R2API Submodule for adding custom Skins and Skin-related utilities to the gameR2API.Skins - Adding new Skins and Skin-Specific IDRS
R2API.Skins is a submodule for R2API that takes the Skin related methods and utilities from R2API.Loadout
and implements them in this new submodule
Alongside the old skin creation methods from R2API.Loadout
, R2API.Skins also contains utilities for improving the skin experience, such as having Skin-Specific ItemDisplayRuleSets, custom VFX for skins and providing a system for overriding Light colors
- Added the ability to replace the color LightInfos for a skin
- Initial fixes for SOTS DLC2 Release.
- Added the ability to override
per item for a skin. Which allows to add skin-specic item display without requiring to create IDRS with all items. SeeSkinIDRS.AddGroupOverride()
- Added the SkinVFX class for adding skin-specific effect replacements.
- Initial Release