A commissioned skin mod that makes Railgunner look like a doggy.Info
This is a commissioned skin mod that makes Railgunner look like a doggy.
The base character model used is Julia Winterpaw's VRChat Canine, found here https://juliawinterpaw.gumroad.com/l/canine?layout=profile
The rifle replacement is Izanagi's Burden, ripped from Destiny 2.
I recommend getting R2modman.
To install manually, follow these instructions:
Download & install BepInExPack
Extract the .dll file into the \Risk of Rain 2\BepInEx\plugins folder
All good to go!
Known Issues
No known issues exist.
My twitch is SussyBnuuy and my discord is Sussy Rabbit. Feel free to reach out to me if you need help!
1.0.0 Initial Release
1.1.0 Added custom rifle