A skin mod that makes merc look like Terezi Homestuck.Info
This is a skin mod that makes Mercenary look like Terezi Pyrope, from Homestuck.
The model used was made by the_regressor on sketchfab.
Your name is TEREZI PYROPE.
You are pretty enthusiastic about dragons. But you have a PARTICULAR AFFECTION for their COLORFUL SCALES, which you gather and use to decorate your hive. Though you live alone, deep in the woods, you surround yourself with a variety of plushie pals known as SCALEMATES. You often spend your days with them in rounds of LIVE ACTION ROLE PLAYING. You used to engage in various forms of MORE EXTREME ROLEPLAYING with some of your other friends before you had an accident.
You take an interest in justice, holding particular fascination for ORCHESTRATING THE DEMISE OF THE WICKED. You have taken up study of BRUTAL ALTERNIAN LAW, and surround yourself with legal books. You have no need for copies printed in TROLLBRAILLE, because you can SMELL AND TASTE THE WORDS. You hope one day to join the honorable ranks of the LEGISLACERATORS. Your trolltag is gallowsCalibrator and you SP34K W1TH TH3 NUM3R4LS TH3 BL1ND PROPH3TS ONC3 US3D.
You are presently the leader of the RED TEAM, poised to begin a mysterious game with 5 other friends, in direct competition with another 6 of your friends, comprising the BLUE TEAM.
What will you do?
I recommend getting R2modman.
To install manually, follow these instructions:
Download & install BepInExPack
Extract the .dll file into the \Risk of Rain 2\BepInEx\plugins folder
All good to go!
Known Issues
No known issues exist.
My twitter and twitch are SussyBnuuy and my discord is (Sussy Rabbit#0560) Feel free to reach out to me!
1.0.0 Initial Release
1.1.0 Fixed mod following Devotion Update