A sequel to Starstorm 1. Adds new survivors, mechanics, items, skills, enemies, and more!Starstorm 2 is a work-in-progress sequel to the Risk of Rain 1 mod "Starstorm". It currently features four new survivors, three new monsters, over 20 new items and equipment, and numerous new challenges to shake up your runs. In-depth information can be found on our Wiki.
Executioner - An aggressive, versatile survivor with an arsenal made for picking off targets and chaining kills. His powerful Ion Manipulators gain charges with every kill.
Chirr - A whimsical creature of Petrichor V, with a variety of abilities that give her a unique control over the battlefield. She supports her friends with potent buffs and heals.
??? - Survivors of unknown origin, familiar yet unfamiliar. Under the right conditions, you may meet them on the Planet, but they certainly won't be on your side.
New Items & Equipment - A plethora of new items and equipment to support new and existing playstyles. Watch your six with an Armed Backpack, rush through teleporter events with a Field Accelerator, all while keeping on the move with a Swift Skateboard - and more!
New Interactables - New drones, paired with the Refabricator, come in handy to assist you while you fight for survival.
Events - Between severe weather, magical buildups, and mysterious invaders, learn to expect the unexpected as forces both natural and supernatural interfere with your runs.
New Monsters - New species of the Planet have come out to put a stop to your invasion of their home.
Typhoon - The Planet grows restless, with fearsome events and monsters coming in greater numbers than ever before. Unlock new skins for survivors* by proving yourself in this new challenge exceeding even Monsoon! *currently includes Commando, Huntress, MUL-T, Acrid, Captain, Executioner, and Commando's Vestige.
New Artifacts - Two new, unlockable artifacts to shape up your run.
Starstorm 2 is currently being developed and maintained by...
- Buns, Nebby, orbeezeater22, swuff★, Zenithrium
With previous and one-off code contributions by...
- Anreol, bread, Flan, Gaforb, GrooveSalad, HIFU, JaceCascade, KevinFromHPCustomerService, MagicGonads, malfaisant, Moffein, Nebby, Phreel, prod, rob, sebacame, Shared, TheTimesweeper, Vale-X, xpcybic, Xubas
With Art/Modelling/Animation contributions by...
- Alexstarwras, Anreol, Bolty, bread, bruh, Cexeub, dotflare, Draymarc, Domi, JestAnotherAnimator, Gem, goodguy, GrooveSalad, JaceDaDorito, LucidInceptor, Neik, KevinFromHPCustomerService, orbeezeater22, PapaZach, Plexus, prodzpod, QuietAnon, rekkadraws, redacted, rob, SkeletorChampion, SOM, Spenny, Starnoenas, swuff★, Slipskip, xpcybic, Reithierion, UnknownGlaze, Zenithrium
Additional thanks to...
- Writing - Blimblam, Lyrical Endymion, rekkadraws, swuff★, T_Dimensional, Zenithrium
- Translations - Anreol, BannyDee (Spanish), MysticSword (Russian), Damglador (Ukrainian), 乃茶, Etundit, Dying_Twilight (Chinese), Kauzok (Portuguese), StyleMyk (French)
- Sound - KevinFromHPCustomerService, Neik, SOM, UnknownGlaze, NAIRB zepol
- Special thanks - Altzeus, DestroyedClone, Dee', don, Gnome, JesusPxP, KomradeSpectre, MinimalEffort, Moshinate, MysticSword, Riskka, Ruxbieno, SalvadorBunny, SlipSkip, Twiner, VioletChaolan, valerie♥, Whitedude887
Feedback, Bug Reporting & Known Issues
Bugs can be reported at our GitHub page. A list of known & previously reported issues can also be found here. Please include an Output Log and detailed steps to help recreate your error! Feedback about the modded characters pertaining to balance and gameplay can be discussed in our Discord server.
- Known Issues
- Man o War causes NRE spam, we've made a temporary dependenncy on MiscFixes mod by score until we can resolve the issue ourselves. Thank you score for the fix!
- Elite events are currently disabled.
- Artifact codes are not placed in world, and can instead be found on the wiki. (For now)
- NOTE: Chirr players are advised to download EnemyImportance due to a known enemy sliding bug caused by how SOTS changes enemy collision and Chirr's grab. This mod also impacts performance so it isnt a requirement, but is recommended if you want the best Chirr experience