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Gamers of the Cracked Emoji

Are you tired of your runs being too same-y? Tired of the anemically bad balance of RoR2? Wish there were some interesting new items to spice up your runs? Want to die?

Well then, GOTCE has you covered. As it stands, it has the most items out of any item mod, and also more than sotv, all of it in glorious shitpost fashion. It also has more enemies than any mod, 12 alternate skills, a new elite type, and an all new survivor! It even has actual lore that's explained in logbooks and shit, unlike Survivors of the Void. Hell, we even expanded upon the void lore!

The Contentfunder (so far)

Icon Name Description
Common Items
/ Every 2 minutes and 20 seconds, swap between a movement speed boost and a movement speed debuff alongside an armor boost.
Animal Head 'Critical Strikes' reduce ability cooldowns.
Balls They will stay.
Bang Snap +2 AOE effect to all explosions.
Barrier Insurance Gain an amount of barrier at the start of each stage based on how many barrier items you have.
Barrierworks Activating an interactable grants a temporary barrier.
Bent Crutch Gain a small chance to cheat death. Increase all stats upon dying.
Bone Armour Gain +1 armor and lose 1% max health.
Bloody Shank Gain +5% bleed and crit chance.
Chaos Rounds Chance to fire a random projectile when attacking.
Christmas Gift If the month is December, gain 3 random items on pickup, after which the item is consumed. Does nothing otherwise.
Dripping Camera Gain a chance to critically camera rotate, spinning your camera to the right.
Empathy C4 Gain
Faulty Spacetime Clock Gain a chance to critically Stage Transition, skipping the next stage and unlocking powerful synergies...
#gd1-nullified 'Critical Strikes' poison enemies.
Gummy Vitamins Gain a chance to 'critically sprint', doubling your sprinting speed.
Healing Scrap Prioritized when used with Common 3D Printers. Usable once per stage.
Leviathan Larva Critical strikes deal more damage for every shield category item in your inventory.
Luckiest Mask Increase proc coefficients. Breaks at low health.
Lunch If it's lunch time, gain 10% max health.
Moldy Steak Lose 25 max health.
Pogo Stick Increase jump height.
Personal OSP Generator Increases One Shot Protection threshold and invincibility frames.
Personal Shield Generator gain 8% of yrou max hp in shield
#ror2-discussion On 'critical sprint', your attacks inflict blight for a short duration.
Seething Opioids Gain a flat amount of shield that increases for each Shield category item you have.
Sigma Grindset On sprint crit, permanently increase your regeneration.
:Skull: Key 'Critical Stage Transitions' give you 5 powerful items. Not consumed on use.
Skull Reaction Gain a chance to critically die, causing you to die twice upon death.
Small Spinny Gain a temporary attack speed boost on camera rotation crit.
Summertime Soda Gain extra shield, damage reduction, and max HP if the current season is summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
Teacher's Pet Gain a 20% damage boost if the survivor you are playing as has the letter A in their name.
Tuesday Magazine Increases your secondary charges if it's Tuesday.
Turbulent Defibrillator Gain a small chance to cheat death. Increase attack speed upon dying.
Weeping Aegis Killing a bleeding enemy permanently increases your shield.
White Fragment Does nothing. 2 stacks combine into 4 random items.
Zoom Lenses Gain a chance to periodically 'FOV Crit', zooming in your vision.
Uncommon Items
0 Pebbles Gain 0 Pebbles.
Aegiscentrism Gain multiple orbital aegis that periodically grant temporary barrier. Every minute, assimilate another item into Aegiscentrism.
Aemergency Aegis For every backup magazine in your inventory, all sources of barrier grant increased barrier.
Amalgam Spoon Killing an elite enemy with a 'Critical Strike' grants a temporary barrier based on secondary charges.
Amber Rabbit On 'Stage Transition Crit', double your item count exponentially.
Analytical Aegis Gain a miniscule temporary barrier on 'FOV Crit'.
Billie Jean Moonwalk.
Boxing Gloves Knock enemies back on hit.
Decorative Drill 'Critical Strikes' grant a temporary barrier.
Delicater Watch Deal increased damage. Breaks upon activating the teleporter.
Extremely Unstable Tesla Coil Rapidly shock all enemies with extremely weak lightning. Super fucking laggy.
French Horn Activating your equipment gives you a burst of movement speed.
Gasogreen Killing an enemy damages and weakens other nearby enemies.
Grandfather Clock On 'Stage Transition Crit', die.
Hearty Breakfast On 'Stage Transition Crit', gain a temporary barrier. Consumed on use.
HIFU's Racecar Reduce Secondary skill cooldown. On 'Sprint Crit', instantly recharge all charges of your secondary skill.
Leeching Guillotine Dealing damage heals you a little bit. Instantly kill very low health Elite monsters.
LtG Mk. 1 Love yourself, now!
Lucky Day Gain a chance to cheat death. Upon dying, increase all crit type chances.
Missile Guidance System On 'Critical FOV Strike', fire a homing missile.
OP Merc Build Become briefly invincible every second.
Retrobauble It's literally just CU0 chronobauble.
Scathing Embrace Increase armor and movement speed on camera rotation crit.
Spafnar's Fries Gain +50% max health. #JusticeForSpafnar.
Speedy Finger Increased attack speed for every secondary charge you have.
Squid Ink Spaghetti 'Critical Stage Transitions' reveal nearby interactables.
Trickle-down Bleedonomics Your bleed has a proc coefficient.
Legendary Items
Aegis Display Case Halve barrier decay rate.
Bottled Command Gain 2 stacks of every vanilla S Tier green item. Have fun.
Bottled Enigma Rapidly triggers random Equipment effects. Gain 26 max health.
Eternal Echo Attacks hit an additional time for slightly less damage.
Free WiFi Unlock orbital skills in hidden realms. Instantly die if picked up again.
Gabe's Shank Gain bonus damage for every game you have installed on Steam.
Galsone I'm galsone!
Galsone Steak +25 AOE effect.
Gamepad Increase 'Sprint Crit' chance based on your inputs per second.
Geneva Suggestion War crimes make you stronger.
Hello World Double your common items at a price...
Imposter's Blade Teleport forward after killing an elite.
The Stem Stun Grenade (4)
Lotus Permanently increase your max health upon taking damage.
LtG Mk. 2 Keep yourself safe.
Oni Hunter's Sword Chance for lunar items to be converted into red items on pickup.
Pier-Reviewed Source I don't fucking think so.
Personal Shield Generator (13) videogame won
Spikestrip Chan NFT Increases a random stat.
Tub Of Lard Gain a lot of maximum health and armor.
Ultra Instinct Aegis Landing a 'Critical Strike' shortly after taking heavy damage grants temporary barrier.
Zaniest Tree If you're over 25 and own a computer, this game is a must-have!
Zany Soup Triple the amount of food-related items you have.
Boss Items
Never Ending Agony (Gup) Gup is not a funny meme shut the fuck up.
Right Ring Finger of Providence (Providence) Double ALL of your stats.
Viscous Blast (Jellyfish) Emit a devastating explosion on death.
Wool Blanket (Crowdfunder Woolie) Your damage scales off of the quality of your items, according to Woolie...
Lunar Items
Backup Hammer Gain extra secondary charges... BUT you can only use your secondary skill.
Big Shoe "Reduce" the proc coefficient of all your attacks to 3.0... EVEN if they are normally higher. Yes, this affects the proc coefficient of EVERYTHING.
Conformity Gain increased attack speed... BUT you transfrom into the enemy on hit.
Corrupted Shard Seems to do nothing... BUT seems to do nothing...
Crown Prince Cheat death, but you die in a single hit... Breaks after 50 uses
Dark Flux Pauldron Double your attack speed... BUT double your cooldowns.
Dope Dope Your base damage is converted into attack speed.
Entropic Emblem Delete nearby enemies and projectiles... BUT delete nearby interactables and allies as well.
Huntress Harpoon Gain extra utility charges and movement speed, but greatly reduce your damage.
Memories Of Misery Increase your move speed... BUT invert your controls.
Monster's Visage Deal double damage to nearby enemies... BUT deal halved damage to enemies outside the radius.
Pale Ale Increase your damage... BUT majorly fuck up everyone's vision. Currently host only :(
Pebbsi Zero Become the roy :blueberries:
Purple Whip Your movement speed is increased while out of combat... BUT you can't move while in combat.
Reminiscence Prism Gain 20% stage transition crit chance.... BUT your critical strike chance is set to 0 for the stage upon stage transition crit.
Vessel of Heresy Become Heretic.
Wind Flux Pauldron Double your movement speed... BUT halve your health.
Yhjtumgrhtfyddc Gain every buff... BUT gain every debuff.
Void White Items
Barrier Stone Gain a miniscule temporary barrier on hit. Does nothing on the first stack because it's total dogshit. Corrupts all Barrierworks.
Fortified Flask Receive instant barrier at low health. Consumed on use. Corrupts all Power Elixirs.
Pluripotent Bison Steak Gain +25% max health. Taking damage randomizes your inventory. Corrupts all Bison Steaks.
Recursion Does nothing. Corrupts itself.
Void Green Items
Ancient Axe Guaranteed 'Critical Strikes' against low health enemies. Corrupts all Old Guillotines.
Clasping Claws Pull enemies towards you on hit. Corrupts all Boxing Gloves.
Explorer's Torch Chance to ignite on hit. Corrupts all Ignition Tanks.
Void Red Items
Bison Skull Gain 1 barrier on kill. Corrupts ALL healing items.
Free Win Friday Win. Corrupts all Spare Drone Parts.
Tub Of Bart Increases agility. Corrupts all Tubs of Lard.
Void Lunar Items
Blue Whip Your movement speed is tripled while in combat... BUT you can't move while out of combat. Corrupts all Purple Whips.
Expression of the Immolated Dramatically reduce Skill cooldown... BUT they automatically activate. Corrupts all Gestures of the Drowned.
Formless Sand Double your health... BUT halve your damage. Corrupts all Shaped Glasses.
Uranial Raegis Randomly create a Ward of Barrier that grants temporary barrier to ALL characters while in its radius. Corrupts all Mercurial Rachises.
Void Flux Pauldron Randomizes stats, teams, and skills periodically. Corrupts all Lunar Pauldrons.
Void Boss Items
Corrupts all Shatterspleens. Corrupts all Shatterspleens.
The Aegisfunder Unleash a rapid-fire barrage of Aegises that give barrier on hit. Consumes 1 Aegis for every second of firing.
Blood Gamble Fire a singular missile with a chance to die.
Bottled Metamorphosis Transform into another survivor
Lunar Equipment
The Crowdfunder 2 Unleash a rapid-fire barrage of high-damage lunar shards. Consumes Lunar Coins.
Boss Equipment
Void Donut (Voidlingling) Briefly unleash a devastating void laser.
Elite Equipment
Blessing of Woolie (Rushing Elite)
Secret Compartment (Compartmentalized Elite) Become an aspect of backup.
Living Suppressive Fire A flying fodder enemy capable of rapidly shooting down any foes in its wake.
The A strange smirking cat-like creature from the Cracked Coalition, Thes may not have much health or hit very hard, but they are basically immortal.
Voidlinglinglingling Literally just Voidling as a fodder enemy.
Cracked Pest An extremely dangerous flying Miniboss that shoots a spread of 5 exploding spitballs. Its mega-swag shades indicate that it's not to be messed with.
Cracked Vermin A blazing fast Miniboss that rapidly stomps the ground as it chases you. They prize their dripped-as-fuck Jordans, so try telling them that they are fake.
Freddy Fastbear ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar
Ion Surger A pair of electric balls that constantly launch themselves into the air with a surge of ions. The balls stay even after death.
Voidlinglingling Literally just Voidling as a Miniboss.
Crowdfunder Woolie This slow but powerful behemoth is a true menace, capable of shredding your healthbar to bits in a split second with its six mounted Crowdfunders.
Gummy Beetle Queen Gummy Beetle Queen.
Providence Thanks to the disturbances in the timeline caused by Cracked Emoji's influence, Providence has finally returned, now as a Stage 3 Teleporter boss!
Voidlingling Literally just Voidling as a Champion.
Glassthrix Residing on Petrichor V's other moon, this glassy clone of Mithrix is Cracked Emoji's most powerful subordinate and is a top enforcer of Crackedness. You do not have what it takes to take him down. Unless you cheat or smth idk.
Artifact of Artifact All players and monsters move at a quarter of their regular speed.
Artifact of Blindness The fog is coming.
Artifact of Crowdfunding Passively lose gold every second.
Artifact of Sole Take bleed damage while moving based on your current velocity.
Artifact of Woolie If you take more than 5 minutes to complete a stage, you instantly fucking die. Should've rushed harder, dumbass.
Alternate Skills
Doom Blast (Commando M1) Fire a slow, but powerful spread of 20 bullets for 20x100% damage.
Shark Saw (Huntress M2) Throw a piercing sawblade that dashes into a nearby target, dealing 150% damage and sticking to surfaces, dealing 60% bleed damage multiple times.
Explosive Decoy (Bandit Util) Deploy a decoy that draws enemy attention for 5 seconds before exploding in a damaging blast for 200%. The decoy will explode early if it is killed.
Welding Blast (MUL-T Util) Fire a burst of flames that deal 800% total damage over time and incinerate enemies, causing them to return 20% of damage taken as temporary barrier and grant 25% of max health as temporary barrier upon being killed.
Entangler (Engineer M1) Take manual control of your mechanical allies, giving you and them +40% movement speed and +100% attack speed, and reducing your armor by 50 while in use. Entangled allies will be disabled for 5 seconds after disengaging from Entangler.
Stigmata Shotgun (REX M1) Weakens. Fires 9 pollen pellets for 9x50% damage. Costs 5% HP.
Hephaestus Shotgun (Captain M1) Charge up a blast of rapid fire incendiary rounds for 60% damage each, inflicting ignite on hit. Bullets fired increases with charge time, but so does spread.
Magnetic Propulsors (Railgunner Passive) Crit chance is converted to jump height at a rate of 1% crit chance to 3% jump height.
CJI Dumb Rounds (Railgunner M1) Fire an extraordinarily inaccurate spread of 30 rounds per second for 100% damage each. Spread scales with field of view.
The Only Thing They Fear (Viend Passive) You are permanently corrupted. Gain corruption on hit. Your current health depends on your corruption at all times. Difficulty scales faster over time.
War??p (Viend M2) Launch a void urchin that sticks to surfaces and repeatedly deals 60% damage to nearby enemies. Using the skill again warps you to the void urchin, destroying it in the process.
Corrupted War??p (Corrupted Viend M2) Launch a powerful void harpoon that teleports you on impact, telefragging nearby enemies for 2600% damage.
Dr??ain (Viend Special) Rapidly drain your corruption and fire a devastating blast for 100% damage that massively scales with corruption consumed.
Corrupted Dr??ain (Corrupted Viend Special) Root yourself temporarily, gaining a large amount of corruption. Release a barrage of devastating lasers for 320% damage each upon breaking free.
Cracked Survivors
Cracked Commando A true jack of all trades, this 32-armed monstrosity can do next to anything with his skills that are combinations of Commando's default and alternate skills.
Cracked Mercenary Cursed with the knowledge of everywhere he isn't in this world so that he can know his place in it, Cracked Mercenary developed the most powerful OP mercenary build, pelting his enemies with swarms of missiles and invincibility frames.
Other Survivors
Nemesis Healing Core real???


Join the balls group discord server and send any suggestion or bug reports in their respective channels. You can contact me directly at monsterskinman on discord, or you can contant HIFU or pseudopulse too idk.

Planned Content

  • Actual fucking item models (we'll do that eventually... for realsies now)
  • More non-shitty skill icons
  • Tons of everything except stages!
  • More cracked survivors!
  • More alternate skills (every vanilla character will have an alternate skill for each slot)

For a full list of planned content so far, check out the GOTCE item document in the pins of the GOTCE channel, which also contains links to the other GOTCE documents (note: we've been lazy and haven't been updating these so they are a bit outdated)

Known Issues

  • The mod is still WIP, however it is still EXTREMELY EPIC!!!
  • We only have placeholder models right now cry about it
  • Some icons are placeholders and suck
  • I currently have no plans to ever do item displays fucking cry about it
  • Not all alt skills have implemented unlocks
  • There are probably networking issues, so certain skills won't work in multiplayer. Everything else hopefully will though.


    • MonsterSkinMan (Main codr, many ideas, logbook entries, playtesting, shitty placeholder skill icons and some shitty placeholder item icons, original creator)
    • Pseudopulse (Main codr, ideas, playtesting, shitty placeholder skill icons)
    • HIFU (Main codr, many ideas, item icons, playtesting)
    • EssentiallyFalse (Ideas, playtesting, some logbook entries, GOTCE ost)
    • n2h4 (Logbook entries, ideas)
    • Creepz (Logbook entries)
    • smxrez (some item models that I haven't gotten around to implementing :smirk_car:)
    • RandomlyAwesome (Coding help)
    • borbo (Coding help)
    • DuhDoesNothing (Elite icons, doing nothing [duh])
    • personal shield generator (13) (providing +104% of our max hp in shield, winning videogame, logbook entries for Personal Shield Generator and Personal Shield Generator (13))
    • Dotflare (Models, ideas)
    • Dumbdazed (Playtesting, ideas)
    • Penfolder (Ideas)
    • Leaf_It (The Only Thing They Fear icon)
    • KomradeSpectre (Item template & tutorial)
    • TheMysticSword (Manuscript code)
    • Thingw (Doom Blast icon)
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