Text replacing mod that is used with friends.Description
A text replacing mod that is to be used with friends etc. Monster Escort is a made up gamemode wherein a player (me, in this case) plays as an enemy (usually a boss) and follows a "script" of sorts defined in their overview. I will be updating this to include more monsters.
Uses ZetArtifacts for it's ability to allow you to drop items. Useful as most scripts make the escort ignore items, requiring teammates to drop items for them.
If this was an actual gamemode it'd be so fun i swear.
Removed dependency for MonsterMash, as im using a self-patched version of it, the dependency was causing issues. (might upload the patched version another time, but it may be purposed moreso for this Monster Escort idea.)
Reformatted all overview texts, they look much better now.
Added text for character: Elder Lemurian
Removed text for character: Beetle
Added text for character: Wandering Vagrant
Changed "Find and activate the teleporter" into "Defend the Escort Target"
Added text for characters: Beetle Queen, Stone Titan, Imp Overlord, Grovetender, Beetle, Clay Dunestrider, Magma Worm, Overloading Worm
Added text for artifacts: All (relevant) vanilla artifacts, and ones from ZetArtifacts
Added text for difficulties: All vanilla difficulties, and ones from MoreDifficulties