Adds Henry, a melee/ranged hybrid who uses a wide arsenal of weaponry. Originally by rob, maintained by me.HenryMod
- Adds Henry, a stickman who fights with a combination of sword and gun
- Designed primarily to use as a base for creating your own custom characters, codebase is modular and easy to understand while easily supporting multiple characters and even enemies eventually- in other words, Example Survivor 2
- Has a bunch of alternate skills and unlockable skins
join the discord to share feedback: https://discord.gg/Xacmgm7KXM
In-depth character creation tutorial can be found here: https://github.com/ArcPh1r3/HenryTutorial/ This tutorial is fixed to work with the current update, and will be maintained.
Seekers of the Storm
fixed as he was in sotv, still missing nemry and mr. green, sorry sorry
achievements cut for now, will be fixed soon
hang in there, thanks for playin
Primary and Secondary
Utility and Special
Ancient Scepter
- Bomb > More Bombs! | Cooldown is halved and carry capacity is increased to 4
- Bazooka > Armageddon | Fire two Bazookas at once
- Rampage > Super Saiyan | Become real Super Sand
Extra Skins
enable in config
rob - everything
PapaZach- Skill icons
OK - Mod icon
Rein - A ton of help getting things up and running again
TheTimesweeper - Gupdate fix and maintaining
Linkin Park - Music