
Fixes extra GenericSkill slots from "Misc" to more fitting names, primarily loadout passives;


  • Default a non-primary skill in the first slot to say "Passive", otherwise just keep as "misc" (on by default)
  • Fall back to internal name of the skill on the component and hope characters put something nice there, otherwise just keep as "misc" (off by default)


If you just want the first skill to say "Passive", this mod will do that by default.

For your character, set your generic skill's skillName field to begin with LOADOUT and this mod will automatically read that as a language token.

If your character already exists and you don't want to mess with existing components (I wouldn't if I were you), you can manually add your character's bodyname and skill slot index to this mod as a soft dependency:

if (BepInEx.Bootstrap.Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("com.TheTimeSweeper.LoadoutSkillTitles"))
[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
public static void AddLoadoutSkillTitle()
    LoadoutSkillTitles.LoadoutSkillTitlesPlugin.AddTitleToken("MySurvivorBodyName", 0, "TITLE_LANGUAGE_TOKEN");

skill slot index being in order of where it appears on the loadout. for example if you have an extra skill in between secondary and utility, it would be 2



  • fix incompatibility with dragon's dbz characters


  • c:
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