Silly Items

Stack items when you stack items!

epic screenshot!!!!!!!! Feel like a badass on your 20-round run before you obliterate yourself because you have work tomorrow.

cool stuff

Ping me (thetimesweeper) on the ror2 modding discord or the enforcer discord ( if you have any horrible crashes or other issues I didn't catch or if you wanna send some screenshots c:

More I'd like to do:

  • Create some SillyItemDisplayRules for tweaks on how stacking behavior should be for certain items/characters.
  • Make a setting where the items get bigger instead of multiplying

Plans (in order):

  • Add config max so your game doesn't lag to fuck when you have 150 teddy bears (true story (shrine of order ftw))
  • Make it work on Mul-T and Engi's turrets
  • Make it work better on Mul-T and Engi's turrets
  • Remove items when they're removed
  • Fix limb attaching issue
  • Make it work on Scavengers
  • Make items hide so the sniper scope isn't covered by crowbars
  • make it work on big moon guy



  • pushed a fix to an issue where all enemies are invisible
    • I couldn't reproduce this myself so I'm fixing the recent change that I assume is the cause. If you still run into this issue, please send a log.


  • reverted some code that might be causing issues


  • updated dependencies
    • truthfully hookgenpatcher dependency was needed for a year now but everyone always has it so it wasn't an issue, hee hee
    • don't do that, btw. I shouldn't be forgiven
  • Stacking now works for LimbMatcher item displays (namely razorwire)


  • fixed for gupdate
  • reverted default stacking behavior
  • SillyItemDisplayRules coming soon maybe


  • removed r2api dependency for now, still needs the mmhook file.
  • reach out to me if this is a bust anyways


  • changed the stacking direction to go generally outwards from the character, rather than whatever the "forward" direction of the item's model was.
  • added config to revert stacking direction to how it was before


  • made moonman spikes more spikey
  • fixed an issue with stack limit not working when you tp


  • updated for 1.0 (made it not required for multiplayer sync)


  • made extra displays properly change materials when faded/stealthed/disappeared/etc.
  • the big one point oh, baybee


  • made it work on scavengers
  • exposed Engi Turrets' stack distance and Scavengers' stack distance in config. Have fun!


  • removed the apostrophe in my config section "hope you're having a wonderful day" that was destroying everything
  • this meant resetting the config file to a new one. If you had your own settings, look for the duplicated file the old cfg it should still be there thanks thanks have a lovely evening


  • fixed items attaching to wrong limbs. commandos with magazines rejoice!
  • separated my code from the game's code by using events instead of running my code directly.
  • This means hopefully if there's something wrong in my code the entire chain doesn't horribly explode


  • fixed an error with custom items (sorry BitterestRoot we should be gucci now)


  • removed items now get removed
  • almost there bois


  • fixed an issue that was breaking BiggerBazaar
  • which spurred me to make my code more not retarded
  • sorry and thanks c:


  • oshitofuckoshitImSorry. there was a rare bug preventing Dio's from working. Pushed a fix.


  • removed logs.


  • fixed distance issue on engi's turrets and mul-t.
  • changed default distance from 0.0369 to 0.0420. Feel free to update your config.


  • now works on engi's turrets (worked on mul-t the whole time who knew)
  • removed cheats that were conflicting with others' f-key keybinds


  • fixed a small issue with itemLib
  • learned how to make a config
  • fixed some items scaling differently


  • c:

may the day treat you well

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