Most items and equip with useful information have their realtime stats displayed in their tooltip when hovering over item icons in your inventory. Items will begin collecting stats when they are picked up. Survivors will have their damage skills tracked. Mousing over players in the scoreboard will show some character stats.

To reset the stats, right click or hold down the reset-spam key (defualt LCtrl) on the item, or enable the setting that resets stats when the item is lost. Change config ingame with either itemstatistics_reloadconfig or RiskOfOptions.

Host needs the mod for clients to see stats. There should be no issue if someone is missing the mod.

Modded survivors and skills will be automaticaly tracked if they properly fully implement RoR2's DamageSource.

After the end of a run, stats are outputted to the log.

Tracked examples:

  • Damage multipliers: Crowbar, Focus Crystal...
  • Raw damage: Bands, Minions, Skills...
  • Success and damage: Atg, Polyute...
  • Success rate: Bandolier, Tentabauble...
  • Damage blocked: Armor Plate, Safer Spaces...
  • Healing: Medkit, Fungus...
  • Counts: Microbots, Stealthkit...
  • Gold: Ghors Tome, Brittle Crown...
  • Average buffs: Antler Shield, Chronic expansion...

For skills, Mult's second primary, Void Fiend's Corrupted Drown, and Chef skills boosted by Yes Chef will credit the special slot instead.

The numbers should be accurate and take into account proc chains and DoT damage. If you notice any inaccuracies or issues with the mod let me know.

Known Issues:

  • Crowbar, Focus Crystal, and Delicate Watch incorrectly track Expose bonus damage (in vanilla it doesnt get multiplied)
  • Healing from other players such as Seeker meditate will credit the healee instead of the healer
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