
Originally a personal mod to make some changes and have custom descriptions for BubbetsItems.

This mod does nothing by default. Use configuration to enable effects and custom descriptions.

Config to hide BubbetsItemsExpansion from the lobby (not the void one).

Scintillating Jet : Configure maximum buff count and whether all buff stacks refresh.

Adrenaline Sprout : Configure additional flat health regeneration (that scales with level).

Clumped Sand : Configure additional flat health decay (that scales with level).

Imperfection : Configure health multiplier.


Allows replacement of item descriptions with custom ones.

Allows the display of total item stats after custom description.

Allows the display of scaling functions after custom description.

Custom stat display and scaling functions wont show up unless a custom description is defined for that item.

Includes 10 description and stat display examples in the configuration file.


Requires BubbetsItems, Bepinex and HookGenPatcher. Optional RiskOfOptions Support.

Use r2modman or place inside of Risk of Rain 2/Bepinex/Plugins/


v1.0.0 - Initial Release.

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