Configure the Proc Coefficient of most items. Restricts On-kill chaining.ProcConfig
Configure proc-coefficients of most items.
On-Kill Items proc-coefficients reduced to 0.
Most other items proc-coefficients reduced to 0.1 - 0.25.
OnKillLimiter restricts on-kill procs.
Restricted items : Gasoline, Will-o'-the-wisp, Ceremonial Dagger, and Shatterspleen.
Restrictions are tracked for each individual player but are shared across restricted items.
Restricted items prevent further on-kill effects from proccing in the area for a short duration.
Delayed effects from restricted items also restrict an area for a duration, preventing daggers and explosions from endlessly chaining off themselves.
Requires Bepinex and HookGenPatcher.
Use r2modman or place inside of Risk of Rain 2/Bepinex/Plugins/
v1.2.0 - Added OnKillLimiter.
v1.1.0 - Updated for latest game version. Added configs for new items.
v1.0.0 - Initial Release. Removed from ZetTweaks.