Artifacts: Bazaar, Revival, Tossing, Multitudes, Sanction, Accumulation, Escalation, EclipseZetArtifacts
Can configure artifacts to be disabled or always active.
Artifact of the Bazaar - The Bazaar Between Time contains a larger variety of interactables.
Disabled by default. The purpose of this artifact is to toggle other bazaar mod content.
Relies on other mods to actually populate the bazaar. (like BiggerBazaar and BazaarExpand)
Artifact of Revival - Dead players respawn after the boss is defeated.
Artifact of Tossing - Allows players to drop and scrap items. (LeftAlt + RMB to scrap)
Artifact of Multitudes - Double player count scaling. (stacks multiplicatively with original multitudes mod)
Artifact of Sanction - Monster and Interactable types can appear earlier.
Artifact of Accumulation - Collected items increase difficulty. Interactable spawns are increased.
Artifact of Escalation - Post-loop Elites begin to appear at monster level 10. Monster spawns are increased.
Artifact of the Eclipse - Enables all Eclipse modifiers.
Requires Bepinex and R2API : Core , Language , Networking , Elites.
Use r2modman or place inside of Risk of Rain 2/Bepinex/Plugins/
v1.5.2 - Added config to disable mouse scrapping with Artifact of Tossing.
v1.5.1 - Fixed Eclipse 8 effect on artifact.
v1.5.0 - Updated for SotS
Artifact of Multitudes is based off of wildbook's Multitudes.
Artifact of Tossing is based off of KookehsDropItemMod