Adjusts the size of players and monsters. Size related Artifacts: Miniaturization, Fragmentation, GiantsZetSizeController
Configure the size of entities and how effective size changing effects are on different size classes.
Pearls, Knurls, StoneFlux, Glass and Tonic change character size.
Boss and elite status increase character size.
Levels increase character size. (Disable by default)
ItemScore (tier and count) increases character size. (Disable by default)
Automatically adjust the camera and interaction range to scale with size.
Can configure artifacts to be disabled or always active.
Artifact of Miniaturization - Reduce the size of monsters and players.
Artifact of Fragmentation - Monsters can appear in larger sizes and split into smaller versions of themselves on death.
Artifact of the Giants - Increase the size (and stats) of monsters.
Requires Bepinex and HookGenPatcher.
Use r2modman or place inside of Risk of Rain 2/Bepinex/Plugins/
v1.1.0 - Fixed for SotS.
v1.0.5 - StatHooks now check for Buff instead of Component. (HolyDLL compat)
v1.0.4 - Add JellyFish to smallFlyer list. Reorganize config sections (artifact and modifiers values reset). Added some more configs. Level and itemScore based size scaling.
v1.0.3 - Added Artifact of the Giants. Tweak how mod gets default monster scale.
v1.0.2 - Fixed SplitTracker ItemTier.
v1.0.1 - Fixed for latest update.
v1.0.0 - Initial Release.