This mod is kind of a high effort joke.

Some of these artifacts are clearly overpowered or unfair.

The artifacts are their own Artifacts indendent of the original at the bottom of the list.

Icon Description

Mirrored Artifact

Mirrored Artifact of Swarms
Spawn a clone of every player, but you have half health.

The clone copies your items.
The clone copies your movements, targeting, skill uses etc.
The clone teleporters to you if too far away.
The clone stops moving if you hold down [Interact].
The clone is considered cloaked and will not be targeted by enemies first.
If the clone dies, nothing happens.
The clone and you share movement speed.
The clone and you share "MultiKills" (Berzerkers)

Some attacks might be blocked if you are too close together, not really anything I can do about it I think.
For Void Fiend, Void corruptions are synced.
For CHEF, Cleavers recalling might be a little jank, as in vanilla CHEF AI can not use Cleavers at all.
This thing was annoying to network hopefully it works fine.

Mirrored Artifact of Glass
Items drop an additonal copy, you have 50% health

The health reduction is curse, like normal Artifact of Glass
Printers cost twice the amount.
Scrap isnt duplicated

If you find some other infinite loop to get items well yknow oops.

Mirrored Artifact of Kin
A family event occurs every stage

The family event tries to be chosen based on the enemies on the stage.
(Instead of the families set on that stage, else Stage 5 would only ever have Gup family)

With Dissonance any family event could occur on any stage.
With True Dissonance, it will be a "custom" family of 3 random enemies. (Essentially just Kin x3)
Shows what enemies are available on the stage like Kin.

The thing multiple people already think Kin is but now real.
(Suggesting to use LittleGameplayTweaks to add more families but works fine without it.

Mirrored Artifact of Sacrifice
Almost exclusively Chests spawn.

Inverts the Sacrifice Filter.
Give up Money Shrines, Drones and Printers for many Chests and Shrine of Chance<br< Additional exceptions are : Mountain Shrines, Void Seeds, Halcyon Shrines, Gold Altars, Cleansing Pools, Barrels, Radar Scanners, Lemurian Eggs<br> Does not lower the amount of interactables per stage.

If used alongside Sacrifice, well only the white-listed interactables spawn.

Mirrored Artifact of Enigma
Items and equipment have a chance to be of a random tier

10% base chance to replace it. 5% for printers.
Think Eulogy Zero but any tier.
Maintains item tag requirements of pools its replacing.
This could lead to obviously game breaking situations. (Red item in White Printer)

Mirrored Artifact of Honor
Difficulty is doubled.

Max level is raised to 199.

Mirrored Artifact of Frailty
Gravity is doubled.

Jumppad velocity is multiplied so they remain functional.

True Artifact

True Artifact of Command
Choose any item or equipment.
Instead of tiered Command essences, get a rainbow all tier one.

True Artifact of Dissonance
Uses the uncut Dissonance spawn pool.
Includes special bosses like AWU or Mithrix as rare spawns.

(Enemies missing from Dissonance normally will also just be missing here, download VanillaArtifactsPlus)

True Artifact of Evolution
Monsters gain your items.
Updates between stages.
Many items are filtered out beyond the AIBlacklist tag. Mostly to keep the list clean.

True Artifact of Swarms
All enemies are doubled
Full health, full damage, full cash reward.

Other artifacts that would fit the theme of this mod, thus won't be added here.

From WolfoArtifacts

  • Artifact of Disimilarity : Alt Dissonance : Interactables instead of Mobs
  • Artifact of Kith : Alt Kin : Interactables instead of Mobs,
  • Artifact of Transpose : Alt Metamorphosis : Reroll loadout instead of survivor
  • Artifact of Remodeling : Alt Enigma : Reroll items instead of survivor

From RiskyArtifacts

  • Artifact of Origination : Alt Vengence : Boss Invaders instead of Characters
  • Artifact of Hunted : Alt Vengence : Characters as regular enemies
  • Artifact of Universe : Truest Dissonance : All enemies + special enemies + characters + drones


Report bugs to @Wolfo.wolfo in the Risk of Rain 2 discord or RoR2 Modding discord.
If you're reporting a bug that isn't something obvious include the log file.

It's a content mod, every player needs this mod installed.

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