This mod is required by everyone by default, see notes if you wish to use it anyways*.


Artifact of Command
Elite aspects now give a choice of all Elite Aspects.

Fixes Void Essences lacking a name and proper particles.

Artifact of Devotion

Adds a inventory display for the Lemurians to the scoreboard screen. (Tab)

Void items can now be given to Eggs.
Unblacklisted Breaching Fin and Luminious Shot.

Adds Sots Elites to the evolution list.

Teleport more often to get stuck less.
Fixes Twisted elites breaking when near ally players
Fixes evolutions often giving 1 less item than intended until Lemurians are resynced.
Fixes various item effects randomly disappearing. (Opal) Fixes Lemurians being unable to evolve when the artifact gets disabled. (ie leaving Ambry)
Fixes Breaching Fin and Lum Shot not working on devoted Lemurians.

Artifact of Dissonance

Adds Hermit Crabs, Childs, Sorch Wurms, Halcyonites as they are missing.

On Commencement enemies can spawn as Perfected.

Enemies with skins will have a random skin per stage. (Titan, Golem, etc.)
Evens out the enemy categories for better balance.

Artifact of Enigma

Dropped Equipments will be replaced by a Enigma Fragment, similiar to RoR1.
This reduces Equipment Cooldown by 12% per stack.
If you do not have an Equipment, the fragment gets turned back into an equipment.

Enigma no longer rolls into Tricorn, Recycler, Spinel Tonic, Glowing Meteor.

Artifact of Evolution

Will grant a 3 stack of white, 2 stack of green, after looping.

Void enemies will now get items.
Void enemies will get the corrupted version if one exists.

Better blacklist for useless and overpowered items. (Sale Star, Nkuhanas Opinion)

Artifact of Glass
Makes you look glassy.
Artifact of Honor
Makes all elite types cheaper and weaker not just Tier 1.
Allows for more modded elite types to spawn.

Final bosses will be asigned a specific elite type. (Perfected Mithrix, Voidtouched Voidling)

Worms now spawn as Elite instead of not at all.

Minions will be given a elite aspect but without stat boosts.

Artifact of Kin

Hordes of Many can drop an appropriate Boss item.

Tries to pick slightly harder enemies.
Tries to not pick repeating enemies.

Artifact of Rebirth
Endlessly cycle Rebirth.
If a run ends with Rebirth, a random item from that run will be the new Rebirth item.
If one isn't specifically chosen on the Rebirth Shrine.

Can now be given Void and Lunar items.
Artifact of Sacrifice

Enemies drop slightly worse items. (80w/24g/1r instead of 70w/30g/1r)
Bosses will drop large chest items. (80g/20r/15y)
Void enemies will drop Void items. (65w/30g/5r)

Stages spawn with more monsters on them.

Artifact of Soul

Greater enemies spawn Greater Soul Wisps.
Champion enemies spawn Arch Soul Wisps.

Soul Wisps die on a timer instead of negative regen.

Soul Wisps inherit items and elite type of their summoner.

Artifact of Spite

Spite bomb damage is consistent across enemies.
Spite bombs spawn in a bigger radius.
Smaller enemies spawn more bombs.

Spite bombs now hurt enemies.

Artifact of Swarms
Increases the limit on certain minions as they still spawn with half health. (Droneman, Zoea)

Fixes Vengence + Swarms spawning one of them without any items.

Artifact of Vengence

Umbras can now use equipment.

Umbras get half as many damage items.
Umbras get a limited amount of defense and speed items.
Umbras no longer get AI or Mithrix blacklisted items.
Umbras no longer get revive items.

Umbras recieve less healing.
Umbras stats are more consistent and lower but get adaptive armor.

Umbras always drop a high tier item.

Umbra + Metamorphosis will result in a random Umbra.


If you wish to use this mod as a Host with players who do not have it. You can disable content added by this mod.
This would include Enigma Fragments and Greater Soul Wisps.
Rest of the changes is probably fine.

Vengence is weird to balance as depending on the character the fight would always just be a nightmare.
SotV making it so they no longer respect AIBlacklist is also just ???.

Soul in vanilla is super lame, so the addition of greater wisps should help.
Should still allow for doubling on kill effects but less often now.

Image of Greater Soul

Enigma not carrying over Enigma Fragments is just sad.
But having normal equipment instead of one "Enigma" equipment feels better so not porting that part.

Image of Enigma Fragment

Devoted Lemurians could benefit quite a lot from Void items.
Not going to blacklist Shipping Request.

Devotion Inventory

Yellow Drops for enemies, intended for Kin but always present.
You cannot use Tricorn on enemies for these drops.

Titanic Knurl:       Stone Golem, Halcyonite
Queen's Gland:       Beetle, Beetle Guard
Genesis Loop:        Jellyfish
Little Disciple:     Lesser Wisp, Greater Wisp
Molten Perforator:   Lemurian, Elder Lemurian, Scorchling
Charged Perforator:  Overloading Lemurian, Overloading Elder Lemurian
Shatterspleen:       Imp
Mired Urn:           Clay Templar, Clay Apothecary
Empathy Cores:       Solus Probe, Alloy Vulture
Planula:             Parent, Child
Defense Nucleus:     Alpha Construct
Irradiant Pearl:     Lunar Exploder, Lunar Golem, Lunar Wisp
Newly Hatched Zoea:  Void Barnacle, Void Reaver, Void Jailer

Image of Honor Enemies

Report bugs to @Wolfo.wolfo in the Risk of Rain 2 discord or RoR2 Modding discord.
If you're reporting a bug that isn't something obvious include the log file.

Credits to Nuxlar for making Deovtion Inventory originally and allowing me to add it even if I didn't end up using most of his code.

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