Standalone Ancient Scepter

Seekers of the Storm

  • This mod does not currently have Skills for survivors from Seekers of the Storm!

github issues/request link discord invite

  • Adds the Ancient Scepter from Risk of Rain 1 as a standalone mod
  • Code is almost entirely by ThinkInvisible, this is merely a port of that, without the TILER2 dependency and with a custom model


Icon Skill
enter image description here <u>Commando</u>: Suppressive Fire > Death Blossom
2x shots, fire rate, and accuracy. 2x autoaim range, hold primary fire to fire normally
enter image description here Grenade > Carpet Bomb
0.5x damage, throw a spread of 8 at once
enter image description here <u>Huntress</u>: Arrow Rain > Burning Rain
1.5x duration and radius, burns
enter image description here Ballista > Rabauld
5 extra weaker projectiles per shot, for 2.5x TOTAL damage
enter image description here <u>Bandit</u>: Lights Out > Assassinate
2x bullets
enter image description here Desperado > Renegade
25% (+0.35% per token) chance to ricochet to another enemy on hit up to 8 times within 30m. -10% distance & damage per bounce. Unaffected by luck.
enter image description here <u>MUL-T</u>: Transport Mode > Breach Mode
0.5x incoming damage, 2x duration; after stopping, retaliate with a stunning explosion for 100% of unmodified damage taken
enter image description here <u>Engineer</u>: TR12 Gauss Auto-Turret > TR12-C Gauss Compact
+1 stock, +1 placed turret cap
enter image description here TR58 Carbonizer Turret > TR58-C Carbonizer Mini
+2 stock, +2 placed turret cap
enter image description here <u>Artificer</u>: Flamethrower > Dragon's Breath
hits leave lingering fire clouds
enter image description here Ion Surge > Antimatter Surge
2x damage, 4x radius
enter image description here <u>Mercenary</u>: Eviscerate > Massacre
2x duration, kills refresh duration [hold special to leave early]
enter image description here Slicing Winds > Gale-Force
4x stock and recharge speed, fires all charges at once
enter image description here <u>REX</u>: Tangling Growth > Chaotic Growth
2x radius, pulses additional random debuffs
enter image description here DIRECTIVE: Harvest > COMMAND: Reap
Spawns extra fruit that gives random buffs
enter image description here <u>Loader</u>: Charged Gauntlet > Megaton Gauntlet
2x damage and lunge speed, 7x knockback
enter image description here Thunder Gauntlet > Thundercrash
3x lightning bolts fired, cone AoE becomes sphere
enter image description here <u>Acrid</u>: Epidemic > Plague
victims become walking sources of Plague, chains infinitely
enter image description here <u>Captain</u>: Orbital Probe > 21-Probe Salute
1/3 damage, 7x shots, hold primary to fire continuously
enter image description here OGM-72 'DIABLO' Strike > PHN-8300 'Lilith' Strike
30s, 2x blast radius, 100,000% damage, blights everyone in line of sight
enter image description here <u>Heretic</u>: Nevermore (Special) > Perish Song
After 30 seconds, deals 5000% fatal damage to you and nearby enemies.
enter image description hereenter image description here <u>Railgunner</u>: Supercharge (Special) > Hypercharge
-20 armor on hit, +0.5 proc coefficient
enter image description hereenter image description here Cryocharge > Permafrosted Cryocharge
Explodes on contact with a frost blast, dealing 200% damage to all enemies within 6m. Slows on hit by 80% for 20 seconds.
enter image description hereenter image description here <u>Void Fiend</u>: Crush/Corrupted Crush -> Reclaimed Crush/Forfeited Crush
Also affects nearby enemies or allies within 25m. Corrupted Supress has +2 charges.

- Alloy Vulture: Windblade > Repeated Windblade (50% chance to fire twice)
- Aurelionite: Eye Laser > Piercing Eye Laser (Additional 35% of damage dealt pierces walls)

Implemented ModCompat

This refers to compatibility that's included just with this mod, and will not be an exhaustive list of every mod that implements this.


  • Mithrix Scepter
  • CaptainBustedAirstrike support:
    • Currently it uses the reduced cooldown from the standard alt airstrike.
  • Further improvements to scepters(?)
  • Transformation Notification shows before the pickup notification for the subsequent Scepter

For Devs

  • Adding a ScepterReplacer to a character that already has an existing ScepterReplacer for that slot and variant will replace it.
    • This change allows developers that modify or outright change existing skills to have their own Scepter skill for existing characters.
  • All icons for Scepter Skills in this mod are now publicly accessible. See the static class Assets.SpriteAssets.


  • ThinkInvisible 🐙 - Original code and implementation
  • DestroyedClone 🐙 - Porter, Maintainer
  • rob - Fixed code
  • bruh and redacted - Made the Scepter model
  • swuff 🐙 - Updated Textures, Consultation
  • QandQuestion - Lore
  • Moffein 🐙 - Consultation
  • Mico27 🐙 - Orb creation help
  • TheTimeSweeper 🐙 - UnusedMode, Alternate Item Model, Item Displays, Other help
  • /vm/ ⚡🐙 - Idea for Captain's Lilith Strike
  • Zenithrium 🐙 - Nemmando IDR
  • RandomlyAwesome 🐙 - BetterUI Compat Fix, Various Scepter Skill fixes, Part-time Maintainer
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