Adds new skills to survivorsEggs Skills: Vanilla-Flavored Skill Mod
Hello, EggsSkills Guy here. Are you sick and tired of only having a few skills in the game? Would you like
to add some fresh new skills to the game, but you prefer a very vanilla experience? EggsSkills is perfect
for you! All skills are custom tailored using existing sound and visual effects to give the feeling
that they were made by the RoR2 devs themselves and NOT by some guy that is too lazy to make his own assets!
Enjoy the occasional silly references and slightly ambiguously-described achievements as you try to unlock new
skills while occasionally getting confused by which ones are modded!
Code - Egpimp (AKA Egg, AKA EggsSkills Guy, AKA Me)
Logo - BM, check out her other work HERE!!!
pt-BR translation - anartoast
Skill Icons -
- Som: All icons before 2.4.0
- yarrowyeen: Void Fiend: Consume icon. Can be found in the modding discord @yarrowyeen
- Synodii: All other post 2.4.0 icons. Can be found in the modding discord @synodii
Translators needed for any and all languages that are not English. If you want to help, feel free to DM @egpimp on discord.
Any and all help with this will be greatly appreciated.
- Caustic Spray: Acrid sprays a poisonous mist in front of him, constantly applying poison or blight stacks at a fast rate, but at low damage
- Proc Coefficient: 0.7
- Damage Coefficient: 0.5 (0.25 twice per second) *2 if poisoned
- Misc: Requires LOS
- Expunge: Deal a large chunk of damage to all enemies within a very large radius as long as they are inflicted with poison or blight in the form of a short range blast
- Proc Coefficient: 1
- Damage Coefficient: 2 + 10% enemy max hp for poison / 3 per stack for blight
- Misc: Does not require LOS. Enemies can be hit by eachothers explosions (2 enemies on top of eachother would functionally take double damage)
- Quantum Transposition: Charge up for 2 seconds to hold and release a powerful blast, teleporting you to the location of the blast. Additional charges (For example from Hardlight Afterburner) instead consumes all charges to increase the base power of the skill when used
- Proc Coefficient: 1
- Damage Coefficient: 2.5 -> 10 based on charge and *1.5 per charge consumed
- Misc: Damage and range scales linearly with charge time. Radius is *1.2 per charge consumed
- Bounce: Fire a bullet that upon impact with an enemy or a surface automatically seeks out the next nearest enemy, dealing a fraction of the bullet's base damage
- Proc Coefficient: 1 for bullet and bounces
- 2 *0.6 for each ricochet
- Misc: Damage does not account for increases or decreases to actuall hit damage and goes off base values. Does not need LOS to ricochet
- Kinetic Refractor: Passively become invisible while you are sprinting, gaining some movement speed. Once you exit this stealth, gain a boost to all of your damage briefly plus a move speed boost
- Proc Coefficient: NA
- Damage Coefficient: NA
- Misc: Post invisibility buff is *1.75 to ALL damage output and *1.25 to speed. Unlock does not require one consecutive duration of invisiblity, can be spread out in the run
- Mercury Repeater: Start off firing shotgun blasts slowly, ramping up to a faster fire rate over time the longer fire is held. Not firing reduces this fire rate back to base value over time
- Proc Coefficient: 0.7 per bullet *8 bullets
- Damage Coefficient: 1 per bullet *8 bullets
- Misc: Fire rate multiplier goes from 1 -> 2.5 over time
- MK-4 Tracking Grenade: Fire a grenade, inflicting enemies in a large radius with a debuff that decreases their movement speed and increases the damage they take from all sources
- Proc Coefficient: 1
- Damage Coefficient: 2.5
- Misc: Damage vulnerability debuff increases damage enemies take by 1.5* and halves their movement speed
- Flechette Rounds: Fire a rapid-fire burst of shrapnel instead of precision shots that become more accurate on critical strikes
- Proc Coefficient: 0.6 per bullet *6 bullets
- Damage Coefficient: 0.6 per bullet *6 bullets
- Misc: Both minimum and maximum spread are decreased no critical strikes
- Tactical Pursuit: Perform a short roll forward, briefly becoming immune to all damage but with low maneuverability and speed during the roll
- Proc Coefficient: NA
- Damage Coefficient: NA
- Misc: Invulnerability prevents ALL forms of damage for 1s but does not cleanse any debuffs or DOTs
- Guided Salvo: Fire out a tracking dart. After a short delay, you and all nearby turrets fire out a burst of seeking missiles that travel towards the tracker, dealing low damage in an area when they arrive or strike an enemy
- Proc Coefficient: 1 for tracker, 0.7 for micromissiles *4 micromissiles + 2 per turret
- Damage Coefficient: 0.2 for tracker, 0.15 for micromissiles *4 micromissiles + 2 per turret
- Misc: Tracker is slightly homing in front of it. Micromissiles pass through the world
- T-3514 Shock Mines: Launch out mines that upon being activated, pulse 5 times over 5 seconds, stunning enemies near them
- Proc Coefficient: 1 per pulse *5 pulses
- Damage Coefficient: 1.25 per pulse *5 pulses
- Misc: Crit is determined once fired. Electric items for unlock includes: Ukulele or Polylute, Unsable Tesla Coil, Electric Boomerang, Charged Perforator, Genesis Loop, Preon Accumulator, Silence Between Two Strikes, and Royal Capacitor
- Explosive Arrow: Fire an explosive arrow that on impact deals damage in an area, and releases several smaller scattered bombs that also deal damage after a short delay
- Proc Coefficient: 1 for arrow explosion, 0.6 per bomblet *8 bomblets
- Damage Coefficient: 5 for arrow explosion, 0.8 per bomblet *8 bomblets
- Misc: Bomblets do not explode on impact with enemy, instead exploding after a slightly random delay averaging 0.8 seconds
- Barrier Buster: Sacrifice all of your current barrier to deal massive damage in an area around you, both scaling with the amount of barrier consumed by the skill
- Proc Coefficient: 1
- Damage Coefficient: 6 -> 60 based on barrier sacrificed
- Misc: Cannot be cast and barrier is not consumed if used under 10% barrier. Damage and radius scales linearly, up to *3 radius from base
- Execute: Target an enemy, stunning them and other nearby enemies before teleporting to them and striking them for massive damage, increased based on enemy health missing
- Proc Coefficient: 1
- Damage Coefficient: 7 -> 21 based on health + 3.5 from expose
- Misc: Expose is applied before the actual strike from the skill, no expose is left afterwards to proc
- Nanobot Swarm: Fire a beacon that inflicts a debuff on direct hit. After a short delay on impact, release swarms of nanobots that seek out all enemies in a large radius around the beacon, dealing light damage and healing you per target hit
- Proc Coefficient: 1 for tracker, 0.4 per nanobot swarm *3 swarms per enemy
- Damage Coefficient: 1 for tracker, 0.8 per nanobot swarm *3 swarms per enemy
- Misc: Uses the same debuff as Captain's MK-4 Tracking Grenade on direct impact. Can be held before firing to aim. Heals 1.5% max hp per swarm
- DIRECTIVE: Respire: Hunker down, gaining immunity to knockback and taking no more than 20% of your max hp per hit while releasing pulses that damage and pull in nearby enemies over 8 seconds, granting you barrier per enemy hit
- Proc Coefficient: 0.7 per pulse
- Damage Coefficient: 2.5 per pulse
- Misc: Number of pulses increases with attack speed. Jumping, sprinting, and using other skills cancels it. 3% max hp gained as barrier per hit
- G2 Lancer Rounds: Fire a powerful, piercing shot from your rifle that deals large damage to all enemies in the line of fire
- Proc Coefficient: 1
- Damage Coefficient: 3
- Misc: Half of attack speed bonus is instead used as a damage multiplier. Bullet width and recoil effects scale with this bonus
- Consume / Expel: In normal form, deal a blast of damage to nearby enemies, gaining corruption but losing health. In corrupted form, repel nearby enemies, losing corruption but gaining health
- Proc Coefficient: 1 in normal form only
- Damage Coefficient: 10 in normal form only
- Misc: Both use the same radius. Corruption and health changes are all 25%
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Void Fiend:
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Mod Compatibilites
NOTE: Some of these other mods may not be updated / compatibilities are very outdated, if you are playing with one of these mods with EggsSkills and run into an issue, @egpimp in the tech-support but only after verifying that the other mod you're using is up-to-date
Bounce prioritizes chaining to a nearby dynamite. Hitting dynamite splits the bullet into 2 and does not lose damage from bouncing off the dynamite (+ULTRARICOSHOT). Can hit multiple dynamite in a chain.Autosprint
Rex root is not canceled instantly by autosprintSkills++
- Caustic Spray: +15% hitbox size and +10% damage
- Expunge: +20% radius and +10% damage Artificer:
- Quantum Transposition: +10% distance and +20% damage Bandit:
- Bounce: +5% damage per bounce and +1 bounce every 2 levels
- Kinetic Refractor: +10% movement speed and +4m radius stun on exiting stealth Captain:
- Mercury Repeater: +0.05 proc coefficient per bullet and +1 bullet per 2 levels
- MK-4 Tracking Grenade: +20% damage and +1 stock every 2 levels Commando:
- Flechette Rounds: +0.1 proc coefficient per bullet and +1 bullet every 2 levels
- Tactical Pursuit: +10% damage buff for 2 seconds after dashing Engineer:
- Guided Salvo: +10% total damage and +10% explosion radius
- T-3514 Shock Mines: +10% damage, +10% radius, and +1 pulse every 2 levels Huntress:
- Explosive Arrow: +10% explosion and bomblet damage and +1 bomblet Loader:
- Barrier Buster: +10% radius and +5% max hp barrier returned Mercenary:
- Execute: +20% damage and +0.1 proc coefficient MUL-T:
- Nanobot Swarm: +20% healing, +10% damage, and +1 swarm per enemy every 2 levels REX:
- DIRECTIVE: Respire: +4m radius and +10% barrier gained per hit Railgunner:
- G2 Lancer Rounds: +15% damage and +0.1 proc coefficient Void Fiend:
- Consume / Expel: +15% damage and +4m radius
ClassicItems (Ancient Scepter)
- Expunge -> Liquidate: 1.5x damage and reapplies selected passive to enemies hit Rex
- DIRECTIVE: Root -> DIRECTIVE: Bloom: Build up damage for every pulse that hits enemies, releasing it as an explosion afterwards Mercenary
- Execute -> Terminus 2x damage and larger aoe stun