Make Ion Surge a utility Skill, or Snapfreeze a Special. Includes minimal config, Supports additional skills of all kinds!ArtiSkillSwap
This mod makes Ion Surge a Utility and Snapfreeze a Special. It also allows Flamethrower while sprinting (because Ion Surge + Flamethrower will waste your cooldown otherwise). There's some basic config if you only want to move one skill, or don't want sprinting flamethrower.
Still hate Ion Surge, but like being able to move? Check out my other mod Eruption for a hot new utility skill!
Known Issues & Compatibility
Should be compatible with any mods that add skills or passives to Artificer. If you don't have Ion Surge unlocked and it's your only available utility then you will not be able to see it in the lobby, but you will still have it equipped on entering the game.
Ancient Scepter will behave weirdly when using Ion Surge in the utility slot, I do not have the skill or knowledge to fix this. Sorry!
Thanks to the various unofficial modding discords for being cool and helpful, to Borbo and Artificer Extended for making me like artificer enough to bother making this the first time, and to Curly for being the only Snapfreeze Special Enjoyer. Additional Thanks to Leaf_It for reminding me to update this for Seekers
Use R2ModMan, but if for some reason you can't then place ArtiSkillSwap.dll in /Risk of Rain 2/BepInEx/plugins/