
DISCLAIMER: All changes are disabled by default, you need to enable the changes in the config files which generate the first time you run the mod.

Gives a degree of configuration on how runs flow, mainly portals and end stage bosses. It's pretty much Nuxlar's Looper but catered for my specific wants.

Allows spawning of portals and item rewards when completing:

  • Mithrix fight on Commencement.
  • Voidling fight on Planetarium.
  • False Son fight on Prime Meridian.
  • Twisted Scavenger fight on A Moment, Whole.

Also allows control over the following:

  • Spawning of the Void Portal after completing Void Fields.
  • Spawning of the Void Outro Portal after completing the Voidling fight.
  • Spawning of the Rebirth Shrine after the False Son fight.
  • Requiring Beads of Fealty to go to A Moment, Whole.
  • Removing the Colossus Portal from the Gilded Coast.
  • Making the Gilded Coast always spawn a Colossus Portal that takes you straight to Prime Meridian.

Other misc features include:

  • Replacing the Teleporter wth the Primordial Teleporter while looping.
  • Enabling Artifact of Honor while looping.

Additional Notes

  • The mod does check for DLC when spawning certain portals.
  • On that note here's the Portal list:
  • Shop = Blue Portal (Takes you to the Bazaar Between Time)
  • MS = Celestial Portal (Takes you to A Moment, Fractured)
  • Null = Null Portal (Takes you to the next map, used to exit Void Fields)
  • Void = Void Portal (Takes you to the Void Locus, requires SOTV)
  • DeepVoid = Deep Void Portal (Takes you to the Planetarium, requires SOTV)
  • VoidOutro = Portal? (Fate Unknown.., used to finish the game at the Planetarium, requires SOTV)
  • GoldShores = Gold Portal (Takes you to the Gilded Coast)
  • Colossus = Colossus Portal (Takes you to the Prime Meridian, requires SOTS)
  • Destination = Destination Portal (Used after clearing Prime Meridian, takes you to a random Stage 5, requires SOTS)

Future Plans

  • Option to disable Celestial Orbs or tie them to stage order.
  • Toggle spawning of the Gold Portal on Gilded Coast.
  • Allow for a custom list of Artifacts to enable when looping.
  • Allow removing time flow in the Planetarium and Void Locus.
  • Continue to question if Eclipse toggles are needed or wanted.

Known Issues

  • Not multiplayer tested.
  • Removing the Void Outro Portal from the Voidling fight will prevent the boss music from finishing.
  • Null Portals spawned by this mod may not work in multiplayer.


  • Nuxlar - Mod is based on Looper in concept with some hyperspecifc configurations I wanted, it wouldn't exist without this.


You can find me as kking117#0370 on discord.

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