Tweaks to various stages that makes runs more consistent and knowledge-based.Consistent Stage Features
RoR2 but Noita (pipe bombs)
This mod guarantees specific interactables in various stages (like AWU) that you can take advantage of as a form of mitigating RNG using game knowledge. Every element is configurable.
Entry listed as Default Off must be turned on through config to enable, and Entry listed as Other Mod is quite literally what other mod does; It is merely there to explain the other changes this mod makes and to recommend if you want more stage features. Keep in mind that only the ones not tagged "other mod" is part of CSF. The following is a collection of all stage features in the modding environment at the moment.
- Time Scale Config: Enable/Disables run time flow per stage. By default, Forgotten Haven gets timestop disabled.
- Stage Chance Config: Ability to set likelihood of each stage appearing. By default, triples chance of Sky Meadow to make artifact grinding better with Forgotten Relics.
- Max Void Seeds Config: Ability to set maximum number of void seeds per stage. Set to 1 by default, vanilla is 3.
- Guaranteed Newt Statue: One newt statue will spawn at random location in every stage. fixes Distant Roost and Rallypoint Delta specifically.
Stage 1
Details w/ Screenshot (Spoilers!)
Buff braziers cost twice as much by default.
Guaranteed Buff Brazier: At least one Buff Brazier will always spawn in a random location. Buff Braziers will no longer spawn randomly by default.
Default Off: Large Printer in Titanic Plains.
Default Off: Overgrown Printer in Distant Roost.
Default Off: Military Printer in Siphoned Forest.
Stage 2
Details w/ Screenshot (Spoilers!)
Guaranteed Lunar Bud: At least one Lunar Bud will always spawn in a fixed location. Ability to turn off natural spawn is also configurable.
Default Off: Pressure plates will stay put in Abandoned Aqueduct.
Destroying N'kuhana's Altar rewards you with a Void Uncommon item
Other Mod KannasQualityofLife: Cleansing Pool spawns at fixed location in Aphelian Sanctuary
Other Mod Forgotten Relics: Shrine of Tar spawns at random location in Dry Basin
Stage 3
Details w/ Screenshot (Spoilers!)
Guaranteed Altar of Gold: At least one Altar of Gold will always spawn in a random location. Ability to turn off natural spawn is also configurable.
Other Mod BetterDrones: TC-280 Prototype spawns at fixed location in Rallypoint Delta.
Other Mod Mystic's Items: Archaic Mask spawns at fixed location in Scorched Acres
Cloaked Chest will spawn at fixed location in Sulfur Pools, as well as two Lockboxes (indirect buff to Rusted Key)
Other Mod Fogbound Lagoon: Adds a timed chest.
Interacting with Hank from Fogbound Lagoon results in a random drink.
Stage 4
Details w/ Screenshot (Spoilers!)
- Guaranteed REX: At least one REX will always spawn in a fixed location.
- Shrine of the Mountain will spawn at fixed location in Siren's Call.
- Other Mod Direseeker: Replaces the legendary chest with Direseeker, an AWU-tier boss.
- Other Mod Fetch a Friend Quest: Rescueing REX adds it to your team.
- Other Mod Mystic's Items: Spotter Drone spawns at Sundered Grove.
Stage 5
Details w/ Screenshot (Spoilers!)
- Guaranteed Shrine of Repair: At least one Shrine of Repair will always spawn in a random location. Ability to turn off natural spawn is also configurable.
- Default Off: At least one Scrapper will always spawn in a random location.
- Default Off: Sages' Shrine will spawn at fixed location in Sky Meadow.
- Sages' Shrine will spawn at fixed location in Slumbering Satellite. Sages' Shrines will no longer spawn randomly by default.
- Crystalline Blade will spawn at fixed location in Slumbering Satellite.
Details w/ Screenshot (Spoilers!)
- Other Mod Shrine of Repair: Shrine of Repair will spawn at fixed location.
- Default Off: Scrapper will spawn at fixed location.
- When Crystalline Blade is equipped, Mithrix will be 20% faster (configurable health, damage, attack speed, movement speed, armor) and has custom dialogue. Defeating the buffed Mithrix will reward extra Lunar Coins.
Details w/ Screenshot (Spoilers!)
- Shattered Teleporter will spawn at random location in Stage 6.
- Default Off: Null Portal will spawn after the teleporter in Stage 7.
- Void Portal will spawn after the teleporter in Stage 10.
Hidden Realms
Details w/ Screenshot (Spoilers!)
- Altar of Gold's Base cost is halved and configurable.
- Combat and Blood Shrines will spawn at fixed position in Gilded Coast.
- Gilded Coast will spawn 2 less chests. (Default is 4, configurable)
- Whenever you purchase a Radio Scanner or deposit a Fuel Cell, Radar Scanner's effect will trigger in Forgotten Haven.
- Other Mod KannasQualityofLife: Scrapper will spawn at fixed position in Bazaar Between Time.
- Other Mod Shrine of Repair: Shrine of Repair will spawn at fixed position in Bazaar Between Time.
- Other Mod Dancer: Rescueing Artificer adds it to your team.
- Shrine of the Woods will spawn at fixed position in A Moment, Haunted.
- Void Fields will no longer contain any loot.
- 1.2.4: updated description???
- 1.2.3: removed umbralmithrix compat as obelisk is gone
- 1.2.2: Spicy/Illegal hank config, slightly nerfed hank (weighted chance based on tier)
- 1.2.1: mithrix stat fix
- 1.2.0: Better Hank item pool (mostly GOTCE support), Crystalline Blade custom dialogue & stat boost
- 1.1.1: Artifact Reliquary crash fix, Shattered Teleporter and Sage's Shrine actually gets removed
- 1.1.0: Stage 5 Scrapper, Umbral Obelisk on Old Moon
- 1.0.10: Bugfix
- 1.0.9: Bugfix
- 1.0.8: ProperLoop support
- 1.0.7: Better loop calculation
- 1.0.6: gilded coast timestop, chest config
- 1.0.5: shrine of the woods cost scaling fix
- 1.0.4: Buff brazier cost
- 1.0.3: Newt statue
- 1.0.2: Added sky meadow sages, sirens tweaks, rex on stage 4
- 1.0.1: README fix :aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:
- 1.0.0: Initial Release