They are Sticky-Bomb and we are here to rework items and be sad about SotS and stuff.This is a port of Groove_Salad's MIT-Licensed mod to SotS. This will be taken down(deprecated) once HIFU wishes to continue the project themselves.
Groove_Salad vs. the Game
Changes stuff, or whatever?
Item Reworks
Reworks or rebalances 16 items.
- Focuses on unfun or overly weak items to increase build variety without raising the player's power ceiling
- The current scope is only standard items, but boss, lunar, and void items may be included in the future
Stronger Monsters
Buffs many 'basic' monsters like Beetles, Lemurians, and Lesser Wisps.
- Beetles gain a new 'Burrow' skill
- Also includes some minor director tweaks
You can find me in the Modding Server @pr_d
Or, you can post issues and feedback on the GitHub