Hypercrit 2: The Critening

This is a rewrite/continuation of Hypercrit by Thinkinvis and Hyperbleed by TheMysticSword.

Hypercrit: Adds a highly configurable crit-stacking mechanic which gives an effect to crit chance past 100%.
Hyperbleed: Stacking bleed chance past 100% increases bleed damage. Also adds support for collapse.

Changes from the original

  • Hypercrit

    • Hyperbolic Scaling: Just like Hopoo intended...
    • Proc config: "On-crit" effects apply multiple times on Hypercrit. Configurable.
    • Fractional Crit Damage Increase: instead of damage increasing every 100%, all percentage past 100% is counted partially, similar to original hyperbleed.
    • LookingGlass support: adds [hypercrit] that shows total current damage multiplier.
  • Hyperbleed

    • Color Variation: Gets darker as bleed stacks. Configurable.
    • Hyperbleed Config: more sophisticated config like hypercrit's, on top of the bleed/collapse enables. Also contains non-fractional bleed configs.
    • Bleed Stack Config: multiple stacks of bleeds can now have diminishing (or exponential) returns. Configurable. Also contains separate config for Collapse.
    • Separated bleed and collapse configs to allow more control
    • Bleed "proc"s: Same with hypercrit's proc config, but more niche. Hook through DotController.onDotInflictedServerGlobal.
    • Built-in Bleed Damage support with extension methods. easy inter-mod ops.
    • LookingGlass support: adds [collapseChance], [bleedChanceWithLuck], [collapseChanceWithLuck], [bleedMultiplier], [collapseMultiplier], [hyperbleed], [hypercollapse] that shows bleed chance and current damage multiplier, similar to it's crit counterpart.
  • Other Contents

    • Ability to change base crit/bleed chance.
    • Laser Scope rebalance: gives it crit chance, like other crit items.
    • Moonglasses rework: Instead of halving Crit chance, reduces it by -100% (Configurable) to be more impactful.
    • Shtterspleen rework: Instead of having a separate bleed proc, simply adds crit chance to bleed chance. (slight nerf)
    • LookingGlass's [critWithLuck] and [bleedChanceWithLuck] reflects reality with Scratch Tickets better.
    • Hyperbolic Crit/Bleed/Collapse: opposite of hypercrit/bleed where all crit/bleed/collapse gain is capped to 100% with first 10% stack giving 10%. (Coefficient 1/9)


The code is under GPL3, since the original hypercrit was.

also I did get permission from mystic btw


  • 1.3.2: uwu teehee oopsies
  • 1.3.1: thank @diegowde for this 1
  • 1.3.0: riskymod compat fix, mysticitems compat fix, added more laser scope configs
  • 1.2.9: the compat is reforged (mysticitems)
  • 1.2.8: the compat is reforged
  • 1.2.7: made to work with SotS
  • 1.2.6: The Incident
  • 1.2.5: base crit/bleed chance
  • 1.2.4: Bugfixes
  • 1.2.3: Bugfixes, Starstorm 2 (needles) compat, Buffed moonglasses default
  • 1.2.2: Bugfixes
  • 1.2.1: Bugfixes
  • 1.2.0: added Laser Focus rebalance
  • 1.1.3: Bugfixes
  • 1.1.2: Bugfixes
  • 1.1.1: Added changelog, The Ultimate README Update Of All Time
  • 1.1.0: Added hyperbolic scaling, every bleed/collapse related changes, fractional scaling, configurable decay
  • 1.0.0: Initial Commit
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