Adds 50 new items!!! NOTICE !!
this mod is part of a port of TheMysticSword's family of MIT-Licensed mods for SotS. This will be taken down(deprecated) once mystic comes back and wishes to continue the project herself.
Mystic's Items
Adds 50 new items!
Discussion & feedback
You can create a post on the Discussion Board on!
Bug reports
If you encounter an issue with the mod (bug, typo, mistranslation, incompatibility with another mod, etc.), report it on the issue tracker and make sure that a similar issue isn't open at the moment.
Consider providing an output log in your bug report to make the fixing process easier.
Make only one issue per bug.
You can also report the bug on the board if you don't have an account on GitHub but have one on
The credits section below includes some of the team members' personal donation links.
Please note a few things before making a donation:
- This mod is completely free - none of its features require paying money and never will. You will not get any special perks, benefits or rewards for donating.
- Donations through each link go specifically to that individual team member and not to the team as a whole.
TheMysticSword (donations) - Coding
Marwan60 - Modelling
Translation Contributions
Turkish - Omar Faruk
French - Fyrebw (donations), Vyrael (donations)
Spanish - RCaled
Simplified Chinese - Dying_Twilight, Acroptf8
Portuguese - Olek
Korean - p157157, SAMA0613
External assets
Contains assets from
Contains assets from, licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal.
Contains Kitty-ear Headphones model by Riisi
Contains sounds from the Disc Room Game Jam audiopack by doseone
Multiple sounds were made with sfxia by rxi
Contains sounds from
"tim ring tone sharp.wav" by Martin Chappell (martian)
"Fireworks Crackle" by 16FThumaF
"big thud2.wav" by Reitanna Seishin
"Nuclear Alarm" by plasterbrain
"01 Whoosh,Metal,Alien.wav" by Beatrix Moersch (Framing Noise)
"Bubbles 004.wav" by ristooooo1
"Sweep Downwards.wav" by Alastair Pursloe (stair)
"Clock ticking" by Mortifreshman
"Metronome.wav" by Druminfected
"Single Kick (Reverb).wav" by YellowTree
"Short Success Sound Glockenspiel Treasure Video Game.mp3" by FunWithSound
"Synth Bass Drop Impact" by AlexLane
"Crystallized madness" by Corentin Jouet (Euphrosyyn)
"Anime_drama_shing_sword_2.wav" by Corentin Jouet (Euphrosyyn)
"Sword Unsheath" by lucabia
"Anime_teleport_sounds" by Corentin Jouet (Euphrosyyn)
"Suzuki1250BanditStart.wav" by Sclolex
"Chair Thrown, Crash, bolt fell out after crash.wav" by issalcake
"Food Processor Speed 1" by robertsvard
"Button 02.wav", "Button 03.wav" & "Button 04.wav" by JarredGibb
"44_Espada_Clavandose.wav (Sword Clash)" by Atrius1
"High Voltage Sparks 3x" by Kinoton
"Zap.ogg" by egomassive