turns literally fucking every character into that stupid fucking chiaotzu sculptureChiaotzu
tafkjasjkfhjashgijkashghijkhaskhjgakhshgkasg the frog is coming holy shit aaaaaaaa
once upon a time, before the moggers ruled the land, there were many sea creatures that wandered the ocean floor. one of these creatures was the albanian sea voidling, with its powerful soviet union blast. this story will follow how the albanian sea voidling fights for land evolution against the chiaotzuling. also trunks is there. albanian sea voidling, ready to mate with the drink, pushes itself onto land, only to discover that ciaotzuling had already arrived. pissed, albanian sea voidling immediately blasts it with the famous albanian sun beam death ray.
Having undergone fusion dance via mating, The Drink is instantly evaporated due to a cosmic ray fucking everything up and changing the fps which results in him clipping through the ground and a alternate universe variant of Rolled Land named Misogynistic Rolled Land taking his place due to vector miscalculation from memory corruption after someone over in Smogon Civilization caught their 57th M' today. Misogynistic Rolled Land carefully observes the albanian sea voidling to determine its gender, as he needs to know whether he needs to act like a complete asshole at the current time. Upon realizing that the Albanian Sea Voidling is nonbinary, he is sent into utter rage due to pronounce, as his level 12 street thug composition gives him innate queerphobia aswell. Unfortunately, Misogynistic Rolled Land is fatally shot 7 times because he is in america. Chiaotzuling is dumbfounded at this sequence of events, and spontaneously combusts due to the mental overload. However, this self combustion is actually a tactic to temporarily boost his wisdom. Because of this wisdom, he may think, so therefore he is, which restores his burnt away shell.
chiaotzuling knew that unless he managed to take down the albanian sea voidling once and for all, his kin would be doomed to a life of eating nothing but albanian worms, maybe with the occasional chilean mite for a treat. Chiaotzuling had no idea where asv could be, but then he had an idea and pressed f5. See, using f5 allowed chiaotzuling to gain a whole new perspective and see the coordinates in the parallel univere (pu) grid of albanian sea voidling. Chiaotzuling then began to build up speed for 12 hours using hyperspeed walking, as it needed enough speed to travel 4 parallel universes, a distance known as a qpu, every frame so that it could actually traverse the pu grid and find the albanian sea voidling after 12 hours had passed, chiaotzuling was able to build up enough speed, and redirected itself to be facing towards the albanian sea voidling as opposed to out of bounds. Due to the rng manipulation that asv has been doing by strategically spawning dust as a result of walking, a ticktock clock pendulum intersected its path at the perfect speed and angle to send it along the normal vector towards its target.
But then on a planet called Earth, a crying mother made a wish upon the magical Dragon Balls. She wished only for her son, The Drink, to come back to life, and to be more liquid than ever. A liquidity that not even The Cup could hold, this was Super Saiyan Drink Super Saiyan Trunks, The Beverage. The Beverage appears towards the two Voidlings and screems "IF WE LET YOU VOIDLINGS ALIVE IT WILL BE THE END OF GOOD GAME DESIGN" and blasted them both with his father's Gallick Gun. Albanian Sea Voidling avoided the attack but Chiaotzuling, being exhausted from hoping between parellel dimensions was hit straight into the eye. Chiaotzuling screemed in pain which Albanian Sea Voidling took opportunity of and striked it down, ending it's life. It was now a 1 v 1 between The Beverage and The Albanian Sea Voidling. Will The Beverage be able to put a stop to Albanian Sea Voidling's rampage? Or will the universe be destroyed by it's wrath, find out next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai