I don't have wheels on my car. It's one thing you should know about me.Driver
- Adds the Driver, an original character based on the Driver from the film Drive (2011)
- Fully functional base kit with many weapon pickups that give him new attacks- all weapons can be found on the Wiki on this page
- Has item displays, unlockable skins and skills and is fully multiplayer compatible
- Configurable stats and a few other things to mess around with
- Full Risk of Options support for all configuration options
- Ancient Scepter support and crosscompat with a couple other mods
- Many more weapons planned!!!!
To share feedback, report bugs, or offer suggestions feel free to create an issue on the GitHub repo or join the Discord:
This can be circumvented via config for the lazy (it's a really easy unlock)
Enemies drop weapon briefcases that change your skills for 8 seconds, starting when you first attack with it
Shoot gun
Aim gun and charge a high damage shot
Stun grenade
Compatibility Stuff
Driver's custom weapon HUD is fully compatible with this UI overhaul
Standalone Ancient Scepter
Has Scepter upgrades for both specials
Starstorm 2
Enemies marked by the Relic of Termination are guaranteed to drop a weapon when killed
Steel Mechorilla
Unique weapon drop
Golden Gun
no more needed to say
If you enjoy my work and would like to support me, you can donate to my Ko-fi
rob - Mostly everything
tsuyoikenko - Leadfoot passive, Godsling passive, lots of extra features
.score - Fixed up Skateboard skill and made it fun, huge codebase overhaul
TheTimesweeper - Maintaining everything in my absence, making it super easy to get back on my feet, lots of code help and feedback
Moffein - Also maintained things :-) Riot Shotgun SFX, networking help and great feedback
Swuff - Code help, feedback, networking help
Bog - Code for Shuriken interaction fix
tsuyoikenko - Code for Supply Drop bugfix
Hyperinvox - Briefcases, Plasma Cannon model
Bruh - Riot Shotgun, Golden Gun, Nemesis gun models
Glasus - Grand Mastery skin concept and feedback
Falxxx - Grenade Launcher Model
iedalton - Heavy Machine Gun Model
Big thanks to everyone in the community for all the valuable feedback and criticism as well, he wouldn't be the same without it
Future Plans
- Many more weapons (dual uzis, railgun, minigun, etc.)
- Other things 100% decided on pure whimsy
- Proper skill icons? (unlikely given just how many weapons there are.)
- Unique monster-themed weapon drops (templar minigun, scav cannon, etc.)
- More mod crosscompat
- Unique secondary skills for each weapon; these are difficult to come up with, so feel free to hit me with any ideas!
Known Issues
- Some weapons are missing icons or descriptions for their abilities
- Goat Hoof display is backwards
- Incompatibility with MirroredStages