Mission accomplished. The survival rate was 4% and valuable human resources were lost, but that is war.HUNK
- Adds HUNK from the Resident Evil franchise
- Has a hanful of item displays, unlockable skins/knife skins and is fully multiplayer compatible
- Comes with a unique side objective and a ton of unique weapons to obtain (permanently)
- Configurable stats and a toooon of other things to mess around with
- Full Risk of Options support for all configuration options
To share feedback, report bugs, or offer suggestions feel free to join the Discord:
Every stage an enemy will get infected with the G-Virus, powering it up a little bit. This buff grows substantially over time so it's crucial to find the virus early and neutralize it before it becomes a serious threat.
Once defeated, you will obtain a G-Virus sample that can be turned into an Umbrella Terminal to exchange it for a keycard. Keycards can be used to open the corresponding weapon cases which you'll find on each stage.
Basic melee attack meant for conserving ammo when it's safe to do so. Killing with this also has a chance for them to drop ammo on death.
Aim your held gun and fire. Each gun has ammo and reloads either passively or manually when out.
Each gun has its own unique properties, such as AoE or headshot multipliers.
Take a quick step forward. Using this in anticipation of an enemy attack will perform a Perfect Dodge, refunding the cooldown and allowing you to retaliate with a devastating counterattack.
Using primary after a Perfect Dodge will perform a counterattack. These do leave you open so use them wisely.
Open up the weapon menu and swap weapons. Pressing secondary will drop the selected weapon. Tapping the key swaps to your last equipped weapon, shown on your back.
Unique Item Interactions
Since cooldown items do almost nothing on HUNK, most of them have unique interactions that play around his ammo system instead
Backup Magazine - +1 fake bullet every time you complete a reload
Bandolier - Gives you half a mag of fake bullets on pickup
Alien Head - Increased ammo on pickup, same scaling and nerfed if Green Alien Head is installed
Brainstalks - Shots don't consume ammo while active
Lysate Cell - +1 fake bullet every time you swap to a new gun
Purity - Double magazine capacity (consumption remains the same)
FAKE BULLETS can be fired without consuming any actual ammo, but are all lost when you reload or swap weapons
Compatibility Stuff
HUNK's custom weapon HUD is fully compatible with this UI overhaul
Ancient Scepter
HUNK's utility becomes Uroboros, gains an extra charge, shorter cooldown, full i-frames, a much faster dodge and the ability to counterattack without performing a perfect dodge
If you enjoy my work and would like to support me, you can donate to my Ko-fi
rob - Code, animation, sfx, mostly everything
swuff - Code, design help, entire interactable system, T-Virus code, just an awesome co-dev overall
RandomlyAwesome - Controller support for radial menu
VCR - Tyrant model
Thingw - Secondary and Special skill icons
Bruh - Golden Gun gun model
tsuyoikenko - Slayer skin
Capcom - Models
Big thanks to everyone in the community for all the valuable feedback and criticism as well, he wouldn't be the same without it
Future Plans
- More weapons
- Other things 100% decided on pure whimsy
- More mod crosscompat
- More unique counterattacks
- Item displays
- Translation support
- Emotes
- More virus types
Known Issues
- Lore accurate Weskah config does not seem to be working
- ProperSave mod does not save ammo
Recommended Mods
Below are mods recommended to get the full HUNK experience
USS Squad - A pack of unique, high quality skins featuring other Resident Evil characters
OutOfBoundsItemsFix - Prevents your Samples from falling off the map
LesserWispRework - Makes Lesser Wisp attacks dodgeable with util
GupAttackTelegraph - Helps counter Gup attacks
Catacombs - Indoors stage that fits really well with HUNK's close-up camera
MoreSacrificeInteractables - More ammo pickups when playing with Sacrifice on
GreenAlienHead - Makes Alien Head more accessible, which helps when gathering ammo
HUNK Variants - Features Jacket from Payday 2 for a more streamlined gameplay experience with HUNK's kit, especially good for alternate gamemodes like Simulacrum