Revival of Nuxlars EnemiesPlusThe Revival of Nuxlar's Enemies Plus
Now ported to SotS! Original can be found here.
Also I took the beetle burrow skill from Groove_Salad since it rounds out the short-mid-long range skillset. Changed some stuff but mostly is the same.
Uses the wisp projectile code from Rob
Enemy Changes
Specific details are subject to change.
Beetle Family - The debuff BeetleJuice is now stackable, lasting 5 seconds, and each stack applied resets the timer of previous stacks.
Beetle - now spit a small projectile at medium to short range while closing in for the headbutt. The projectile applies a stack of BeetleJuice. Uses burrow skill to close long distances.
Beetle Guard - has a new ability that increases own armor (+100) and increases nearby allies' attack/move speed (+25%). Does not apply if ally already has buff.
Beetle Queen - spit projectiles and acid pools apply BeetleJuice. BeetleWard now keep stacking BeetleJuice the longer you're inside of it.
Lunar Family - new debuff Helfire, stackable, lasting 10 seconds, non-lethal, burns 10% of your full combined HP (+shield) while preventing healing and regen
Lunar Golem - new ability LunarShell, buffs self to have +200 armor and attacks inflict Helfire while buff is active, can no longer be hitstunned (still be stunned/frozen, just not stunned from high powered damage)
Lunar Wisp - increased acceleration (15 -> 20) and move speed (18 -> 20), miniguns spin up at closer range, orb applies Helfire
Lemurian - Bite now has a slight lunge
Lesser Wisp - Fires a projectile instead of hitscan with more "bullets" (3 -> 6) with slightly more damage to compensate
Greater Wisp - credit cost reduced (200 -> 120) (brass contraptions cost 60 as a reference)
Imp - now throw 2 void spikes at a more distant range while also slashing at close range, similar to imp boss
Brass Contraption - new ability BuffBeam, gives 1 nearby enemy a high amount of armor for a short time (cannot target other brass contraptions)
Magma/Overloading Worm - new ability Leap, worm launches into the air like RoR1/RoRR and improves turning and tracking
Enemies TODO (maybe)
Stone Titan
Wandering Vagrant
Imp Overlord
Xi Construct
Solus Control Unit
Void Reaver
Void Jailer
Void Devastator