Shbones' Variants

Adds new monster variants to the game using Nebby's VarianceAPI.


Blind Pest Broodmother (2% Chance)
    - Tier: Legendary
    - Unique
    - Postfix: Broodmother
    - 500% Size
    - 2500% Health
    - +20 Armor
    - Cannot Spit. Spit is replaced with Spawn Brood
    - Spawn Brood
       - Over 3 Seconds, spawn 3 Blind Broodlings
       - Cooldown 4 seconds (beginning at end of 3 second cast time)
       - Broodlings inherit items (including elite modifier)
Blind Broodling (0% Chance to spawn natively, exclusively spawns from Broodmother's "Spawn Brood" ability)
    - Tier: Minion (Custom Tier with 0 Reward Drops)
    - Name Replacement: Blind Broodling
    - 40% Size
    - 75% HP
    - 150% Speed
    - 100% Damage
Adult Lemurian (6% Chance)
    - Tier: Uncommon
    - Name Prefix: Adult
    - 200% Size
    - 250% HP
    - 2x Range to start Fireball attack
    - Fireball Attack Replaced with 3 Elder Lemurian Fireballs fired in small spread pattern

These are my first monsters/variants, so the ability and stat tuning is likely off and will most likely change as I get feedback. Please ping me in the Modding Discord if you have any feedback at shbones#0085

Known Issues

  • When a Lemurian rolls both Flamethrower (from TheOriginal30) and Adult, it will begin using Flamethrower from 70 distance but flamethrower has a range of 40. Will address this soon. This is currently very unlikely due to these variants having a low chance of spawning together.
  • None (other than potentially balance)

Potential Future Work

  • New Variants!
  • Refining existing variants balance
  • Open to Suggestions!


If you have anything to say, feel free to ping me in the Risk of Rain 2 Modding discord (shbones#0085)


  • Nebby for VarianceAPI, TO30 and Nebby's Wrath, MoonstormSharedUtils, and lots of help working through issues
  • Twiner for Thunderkit
  • Tony for the icon
  • HeyImnoop for the Thunderkit tutorial video
  • Rob for the original MonsterVariants
  • Everyone in the Modding Discord
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