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1-12 of 12 results
Artifact that makes Mithrix more difficult. Fixed for SoTS.
Registers unused Command Chest to game's catalogue. Mod does nothing on its own.
It's quiet here, like peace itself resides here. You take a deep breath and step forward.
Adds chat messages on player death with information on what killed them.
The smell of black powder fills the air. Let's-a go!
Reverts stun stacking to how it was pre-SoTS.
Is that... a roomba? Must've fallen out of UES Contact Light.
Ancient Lemurian burial ground. It was a mistake to crashland here...
Randy Bobandy broke my gamandy. Restore Grandparent's rock projectile ghost.
A mod that aims to add ideas from other games.
Gives printers their own icon. Client-side.
Haven't you heard? Newt is giving out candy! Now with option to give out candy all year round.