adds progression to bees and flowersgoldbees
adds some more flowers to make your world a little more pretty. Gotta keep them bees happy amirite.
adds a level of progression to bees and a gold sink.
balanced with vanilla valheim.
Mums - Pickable_mums - a new flower found in the meadows
Edelweiss - Pickable_edelweiss - a new flower found in the moutnains
Scabiosa - Pickable_scabiosa - a new flower found in the plains
QueenBeeGold - a golden queen bee, crafted at the forge with... gold
BeehiveGold - this is like the vanilla beehive you find in old houses. If you add many of these it removes the whole point of having a gold sink so maybe just skip this... but they do look kinda cool.
piece_beehive_gold - a beehive with golden bees produces: you guessed it....
HoneyGold - golden honey, richer taste than normal honey. eh eh get it.
Teas! create mush in cauldron, brew in a fermenter. regens health and stam and adds comfort (unique rested bonus!).
MushSoothing - HoneyTea MushGolden - GoldenTea MushIced - IcedTea MushEasy - EasyTea
how to use
option 0 : explore the world and find/craft them naturally
option 1 : manually spawning spawn HoneyGold 5
option 2a: manually spawning beehives and flowers for your friends to find spawn BeehiveGold
option 2b : manually placing beehives and flowers for your friends to find using infinity hammer mod by Jere hammer Pickable_edelweiss
change log
1.0.6 fixed beehives missing colider from update
1.0.5 fixed jotun dependency
1.0.4 fixed bug
1.0.3 added scabiosa, added brewing conversions, optimized assetbundle
1.0.2 fixed mum icon, fixed queenbeegold drop on piece destruction
1.0.1 fixed beehive spelling, fixed icons for mums and edelweiss
1.0.0 initial release
1.1.0 updated for new valheim version