This mod adds new mushrooms with interesting effects!

It is designed to not be game breaking.




Mushroom - Pickable_Mushroom - the vanilla red mushroom is not changed

MushroomYellow - Pickable_Mushroom_yellow - the vanilla yellow mushroom is not changed

MushroomBlue - Pickable_Mushroom_blue - added a tripping camera effect

MushroomBlack - Pickable_Mushroom_black - it kills you 👻

MushroomBlood - Pickable_Mushroom_blood - adds red tripping camera effect - high healing

MushroomGreen - Pickable_Mushroom_green - desaturated camera effect, wishbone

MushroomPink - Pickable_Mushroom_pink - all pickable objects now have pink glow

MushroomPurple - Pickable_Mushroom_purple - plays random sounds

MushroomRainbow - Pickable_Mushroom_rainbow - rainbow camera effect, high food/stam, end game tripping

how to use

option 0 : explore the world and find/craft them naturally

option 1 : manually spawning the mushrooms spawn MushroomPink 5

option 2a: manually spawning pickable mushrooms in your world spawn Pickable_Mushroom_pink

option 2b : manually placing pickable mushrooms in the world using infinity hammer mod by Jere hammer Pickable_Mushroom_pink

option 2c : use a spawnthat config to place them throughout your world automagically!

change log

0.0.1 initial release of tripping mod

0.1.0 renamed to shroooms, added jotun dependency, added custom mushrooms

1.0.1 readme fixes lol

1.1.0 removed hardcoded world vegetation spawners, please use spawnthat config instead

1.1.1 changed death effect of black mushroom to be damage over time instead of immediate death

1.1.2 mistlands

1.1.3 fix for big networking update

1.2.0 jotunn dependency fix

1.3.0 rebuilt for new valheim version

1.4.0 rebuilt for new valheim version

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