This mod overrides the 1-8 hotkeys and lets you reassign them to any key code following Unity's Conventional Game Input scheme.. Working fork of Aedenthorn's mod that was only on Nexus.Custom Toolbar Hotkeys - Fork of Aedenthorn
Working fork was only found on Nexus. Original pages can be found on NexusMods or GitHub.
This mod overrides the 1-8 hotkeys and lets you reassign them to any key code following Unity's Conventional Game Input scheme.
By default, the hotkeys are set to vanilla values.
There is an option to hide the numbers over each toolbar item, and another option to show the new values.
Showing new values depends on HideNumbers = true, and will show the entire string, so probably not useful for things like joystick button 0.
A config file BepInEx/config/aedenthorn.CustomToolbarHotkeys.cfg is created after running the game once with this mod.
You can adjust the config values by editing this file using a text editor or in-game using the Config Manager.
To reload the config from the config file, type customtoolbarhotkeys reset into the game's console (F5).