Shows container contents and capacity in the hover text. Created by aedenthorn on nexusmods.ShowContainerContents
This is a simple quality of life mod that lets you see the contents of a container, as well as its remaining capacity in the interact hover text.
You can configure the following:
Maximum entries to show - default '-1', meaning unlimited
Sort type - Name, Value, or Weight - default 'Value'
Sort ascending - default 'false'
Entry text - default '<color=#AAAAAAFF>{0} {1}</color>' ({0} is replaced by the amount and {1} is replaced by the item name)
Overflow text - if more items than max entries - default '<color=#AAAAAAFF>...</color>'
Capacity text - default '<color=#FFFFAAFF> {0}/{1}</color>' ({0} is replaced by the slots used and {1} is replaced by total slots)
Colors are RRGGBBAA hexadecimal (Alpha doesn't seem to do anything). For example, to get the colors in the first screenshot:
'EntryText = <color=#FFFFAAFF>{0}</color> <color=#AAFFAAFF>{1}</color>'
Apparently if you use BetterUI, you need to set the following in the BetterUI config file:
'chestHasRoomStyle = 0'
- A config file 'BepInEx/config/aedenthorn.ShowContainerContents.cfg' is created after running the game once with this mod.
- You can adjust the config values by editing this file using a text editor or in-game using the Config Manager:
- To reload the config from the config file, type showcontainercontents reset into the game's console (F5).
- To install manually, place the .dll file in the BepInEx/plugins folder. You will need BepInEx.
- Code is at
- If you want to complain or ask for help or help me test my mods, you can visit my Discord server:
Thunderstore (manual)
- Go to Settings > Import local mod > Select
. - Click "OK/Import local mod" on the pop-up for information.
- Fix for 0.217.14
- Added capacity text
- update for new version
- Switch to use custom class to avoid changing items
- Tweak sorting