Add a bunch of commodity items for use with MarketPlaceNPC's on my serverWhat it is
Just a config file for WackysDatabase to add 85 commodity prefabs based on the items from CargoQuestItems
(Thanks Rusty xoxo)
PrefabID = Commodity+Container+Size (eg. CarrotsBarrelMedium)
New trade Currency 'Reales' + Stack/Pile of Reales recipe
Barrels: (Sizes=Small,Medium,Large)
> Mushrooms
> Onions
> Carrots
> Turnips
> Wheat
> Flax
> JotunPuffs
> Magecaps
> Meads
> Potions
> GunPowder
Crates: (Sizes=Small,Medium,Large)
> Fine Foods
> Flour
> Copper
> Tin
> Bronze
> Iron
> Blackmetal
Cargos: (Sizes=Medium,Large,Huge)
> ToolsBronze
> ToolsIron
> ToolsBlackmetal
> ToolsSilver
> WeaponsBronze
> WeaponsIron
> WeaponsBlackmetal
> WeaponsSilver