See your player stats.ReportCard
See your player stats and explored stats.
Player Stats
- Adds a Stats button to the Character Select screen (bottom-right).
- Adds a Stats button to the Skills panel (top-right).
- Shows a new panel with the selected/current player's stats.
Known Issues
- Player stats are only tracked after they were added in patch
(Hildir PTB). FoodEaten
stat is bugged in vanilla and not tracked at all.
Explored Stats
- Adds a Stats button to the large Minimap view (top-left), can be hidden using a config-option.
- Shows a new panel with the current player's explored stats for the current world (by biome).
- Stats take several seconds to generate as it needs to calculate biome data for the entire map.
- Also shows at the bottom: player name, player ID, world name and current day in the world.
- This is the good enough release. More features and polish to be added later.
- See source at: GitHub/ComfyMods.
- Looking for a chill Valheim server? Comfy Valheim Discord
- ReportCard icon created by @jenniely (