Simple Mod where you can customize the mini map icons: Size, Color, Text (text on mini map)H&H compatible!
Simple Mod where you can customize the mini map icons: Size, Color, Text.
- BepInEx config
- Icon size on map opened (Large Map) -> default: 22
- Icon size on map closed (Small Map) -> default: 18
- Show icon text on small map (Show icon names on small map) -> default: false
- Show player name on small map (Show player names on small map) -> default: true
- Colorize Player Icons (In multiplayer instances each player has his own color -> synced with other players) -> default: true
How To**:**
Icon Color:
Icon color can be defined in the icons name by separator " : "
eg. you want to name your icon "Home" and you want it in red you have to type "Home**:**red".
Possible colors: black, red, blue, green, yellow, cyan, magenta
F9 -> Show hide icon name
Copy the dll file to valheims BepInEx plugin folder. eg. <valheim install path>\BepInEx\plugins\
- Kazuya1985 (Idea)