
This mod is an extension of BoneAppetit, includes new plants for harvesting and new foods. Balance some BoneAppetit foods according to the H&H update and update your recipes with new items



Place the dll in the plugins folder.

The folder Translations must be inside the plugins folder along with the dll

This mod is routinely tested on a dedicated server with a great many other mods. To ensure your plants don't disappear, and that food doesn't turn to dust, please put this on the dedicated server as well as ALL clients.

For plants to grow on the map it is necessary to have the mod installed before generating the world.

You can use the mod Upgrade World to reset zones in a existing world, using the command zones_reset to add all new plants to the world.

Note: this mod requires BoneAppetit, JVL (Jotunn the Valheim Lib), it will not work without it.

Note: for now the raised beds do not support the mass plant from Farming mod, don't forget to press the key that disables mass planting before planting in the raised bed

Compatible related mods:
  • FarmGrid
  • PlantEverything
  • Farming
  • OdinsQOL

if you use any farming mod and something in valharvest doesn't work as expected, contact me via discord and I'll try my best to make the mod compatible with it :)


- Soon more foods


Now you can submit the mod translation in your language at the link below


Plant Drops From
Spicy Pepper Greydwarf
Garlic Troll
Rice Goblin
Tomato Draugr
Potato Greydwarf
Pumpkin Draugr Elite

sorry about the planting field, I feel the mod took a way out of focus, which would be new plants and food, so I'm removing that functionality and keeping only the bed raised with a little rework on it to reduce conflicts with other mods. If you were using it, sorry, you will lose the plants that were on it :(

To Do/Current Ideas

  • configurable drop rate and grow time
  • add new plants and new foods (like tomato, potato, pumpkin, watermelon, etc) maybe more fruit trees
  • add new plants to grow in the world generation
  • localization
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