Tool for hiding parts of the player model when equipping wearables, also a fix for incorrectly deforming skinned meshes on custom items.Notes
In case of questions you may find me on the Modding discord server
You can also file an issue on GitHub
Bone reoder
- Automatically fixes the order of bones in skinned mesh renderers for custom armors/capes/utility items etc., solving the issue of incorrectly deformed meshes as long as the mesh has the correct bone weights
Body hiding
- provides the ability to hide certain parts of the player model for easier armor creation
Place the BlacksmithTools.dll into your Bepinex/plugins folder.
Body hiding is configured by specifying a combination of body part names and bone indexes There are two ways to configure body hiding:
Config file
Create a file named bsmith.ITEM_PREFAB_NAME.cfg and launch once to generate fields
- for the field "List" input a list of body parts names delimited by a semicolon. i.e. Head;Torso;ArmUpperLeft
- for the field "Bone List" input a list of bone names delimited by a semicolon. i.e. 0;1;2;4;7;12;3
Access the BlacksmithTools.BodypartSystem class and insert your configuration into either of the two dictionaries with the key being the item's prefab name
Valid values for configuration via part names
Values for configuration via bone indexes (list gained by printing out player model's bones array)
Hips - 0
Spine - 1
Spine1 - 2
Spine2 - 3
Neck - 4
Head - 5
Jaw - 6
LeftShoulder - 7
LeftArm - 8
LeftForeArm - 9
LeftHand - 10
LeftHandThumb1 - 11
LeftHandThumb2 - 12
LeftHandThumb3 - 13
LeftHandIndex1 - 14
LeftHandIndex2 - 15
LeftHandIndex3 - 16
LeftHandMiddle1 - 17
LeftHandMiddle2 - 18
LeftHandMiddle3 - 19
LeftHandRing1 - 20
LeftHandRing2 - 21
LeftHandRing3 - 22
LeftHandPinky1 - 23
LeftHandPinky2 - 24
LeftHandPinky3 - 25
RightShoulder - 26
RightArm - 27
RightForeArm - 28
RightHand - 29
RightHandThumb1 - 30
RightHandThumb2 - 31
RightHandThumb3 - 32
RightHandIndex1 - 33
RightHandIndex2 - 34
RightHandIndex3 - 35
RightHandMiddle1 - 36
RightHandMiddle2 - 37
RightHandMiddle3 - 38
RightHandRing1 - 39
RightHandRing2 - 40
RightHandRing3 - 41
RightHandPinky1 - 42
RightHandPinky2 - 43
RightHandPinky3 - 44
LeftUpLeg - 45
LeftLeg - 46
LeftFoot - 47
LeftToeBase - 48
RightUpLeg - 49
RightLeg - 50
RightFoot - 51
RightToeBase - 52
- 2.0.3
fixed patch method names, thanks Azumatt
merged optimization from MSchmoecker - 2.0.2
armor stand update - hiding does not apply to unreadable body models anymore
added .cfg extension and made explanation of config files a bit clearer - 2.0.1
Error when equipping armors with disabled skinned mesh renderers (plate armor) should be fixed - 2.0.0
Added configuration to disable features separately
Changed body hiding to alter the body mesh directly without having to supply my own mesh