Friendlies Reloaded! Updated version of the Friendlies configs. Also includes the option to have a custom NpcAI applied to the Friendlies. Lastly, some extra optional companions.Notes
Updated Friendlies Reloaded by sonofmusk (I have full permissions) you can find the original mod here:- [Friendlies Reloaded] (
Requires ModAILib from Nexus you can find that here:- [ModAILib] (
Friendlies! With several new [WIP] features.
If you would like to continue using Friendlies as before, there is an NpcOnly option to download which only includes the files from the original Friendlies slightly updated To install this version, delete old Friendlies files, and drop the FriendliesNpcs folder into \BepInEx\config
From original author: This is a collection of config files for use with the mods: RRR NPCs and Spawn That. It adds 2 tiers of friendly NPCs to each biome. One that spawns before the boss for that biome has been defeated and one that spawns after. So, as bosses are defeated, higher tiers of NPCs will appear. NPCs have randomized appearances and weapons within a range themed to each biome. NPCs will follow players in the same way as tamed wolves.
Care has been taken to not trivialize portions of the game, so the NPCs are not particularly powerful individually and will likely die if you don't protect them. If you get a number of them together in your base though they can be a significant help with raids. In fact everything was designed around using RRR Better Raids for higher raid difficulty as well as Creature Level and Loot Control to make mobs harder.
This is still in testing though and feedback on balancing health and damage levels is greatly appreciated and will likely be ongoing.
What's New? NPC AI ! The full version of this mod includes a custom NpcAI which combines the Worker and Fixer AIs from SlaveGreylings, and applies them to Friendlies. This means Friendlies can be taught to fill smelters, kilns, torches, fireplaces, braziers, windmills, spinning wheels, and blast furnaces. They will also try to repair structures around your base. They can search chests for Ore/Coal for smelters, and retain all of their previous functionality, meaning their fighting and eating behaviors for example should work very similarly to before.
Companions! The full version of this mod also includes some custom companions (with custom attacks), which aren't currently set to spawn in naturally, but are meant for you to choose who/if you want to have as one (or have them all!). Please see the README (available in both the main file download, and the Docs section of this page) for specific information on them.