Patches used to restore the original default mod values from the pre-Ashlands game update.Epic Patches for Epic Loot
Author: RandyKnapp Source: Github Patreon: patreon.com/randyknapp Discord: RandyKnapp's Mod Community Patch notes: Github Patchnotes
These are patches used to restore the original default mod values from the pre-Ashlands game update. The values in these patches truly make you EPIC and god-like. It has been reported to make the game too easy once you reach the Plains biome and beyond. It is not recommended to use these patches unless you are also increasing the game difficulty.
All patches for Epic Loot currently need to be under the BepInEx/config/EpicLoot/patches directory. When using a thunderstore mod manager these files should be placed in the correct directory for you.