A simple mod that adds white marble piecesWhiteMarble
A simple mod that adds white marble pieces.
- Adds white marble pieces
- Adds mode marble pieces
- You can to use your marble texture
This modification use inverted texture of marble If you want to change the texture of the marble, follow these steps
- Get .png or .jpg texture. Game using 128x128
- Set name texture to "Marble.png" or "Marble.jpg"
- Put your texture to plugin folder
- Your path should look like Valheim/BepInEx/plugins/Marble.jpg
Coming soon
The mod has been translated into the following languages: Russian, English If you want to add or correct a translation, place the Translations folder in /BepInEx/plugins of your game. Fix .json file and change name path like Translations/{LanguageName}/{anyname}.json
You can also write to me so that I can add your translation to the mod.
Prefab name
- whitemarble_1x1
- whitemarble_2x1x1
- whitemarble_2x2x2
- whitemarble_floor
- whitemarble_floor_triangle
- whitemarble_stair
- whitemarble_tip
- whitemarble_base_1
- whitemarble_base_2
- whitemarble_basecorner
- whitemarble_out_1
- whitemarble_out_2
- whitemarble_outcorner
- whitemarble_arch
- whitemarble_column_2
- whitemarble_2x2_enforced
- whitemarble_column_1
- whitemarble_floor_large
- whitemarble_head_big01
- whitemarble_head_big02
- whitemarble_slope_1x2
- whitemarble_slope_inverted_1x2
- whitemarble_tile_floor_1x1
- whitemarble_tile_floor_2x2
- whitemarble_tile_wall_2x2
- whitemarble_tile_wall_2x2
- whitemarble_tile_wall_2x4
If you encounter an error or have a suggestion, please contact me VSP#0642
- 1.2.0 Add translations
- 1.1.0 Fix texture trouble. Remove "creep" and "corner stairs" due to incorrect display
- 1.0.0 Release