Shows ammo count, icon, and optionally ammo name for projectile weapons in the hotbar.Ammo Info Display
Shows ammo count, icon, and optionally ammo name for projectile weapons in the hotbar.
This mod adds ammo information to hotbar slots with projectile weapons, showing the ammo count of the currently equipped ammo (or default if none equipped).
By default it shows the ammo icon in the top middle of the slot, and the ammo count in the top right of the slot.
You can change the position and font variables in the config.
The ammo text string accepts {ammo} and {name} variables, to show either or both.
A config file BepInEx/config/aedenthorn.AmmoCount.cfg is created after running the game once with this mod.
You can adjust the config values by editing this file using a text editor or in-game using the Config Manager.
Created by aedenthorn.