This is a simple mod that adds useful functionality to the character selection screen, letting you edit your existing characters from the main menu.

To use, simply press the new Edit button and you will be presented with the new player creation interface. When you press Done, however, it will save your existing character rather than creating a new one.

At the moment I can't see a way to show the existing hair colour, since it is saved as a combination of blondness and colour. As a result, when initiating the editing process, the new hair color and blondness will be default. They will not be saved until you press Done, so you can always press Cancel to keep existing values.


A config file BepInEx/config/aedenthorn.CharacterEdit.cfg is created after running the game once with this mod).

You can adjust the config values by editing this file using a text editor or press F1 in-game using Configuration Manager.

To reload the config from the config file, type characteredit reset into the game's console (F5).

Created by aedenthorn on Nexus


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