Implements armors tiers. You can craft troll armors with same stats as padded and morexImplements armors tiers like:
T1 = TrollLeather T2 = Bronze; T3 = Iron; T4 = Silver; T5 = BlackMetal; T6 = Flametal
1.1.7 destroy broken = false
1.1.6 last bug i swear
1.1.5 Armor level bug fixed
1.1.4 StatusEfffects and durability bugs fixed
1.1.3 judes new version and now you can add new armors by json, just follow the format
1.1.2 root armor
1.0.6 Add as requirement.
1.0.4 Add T6 and now is possible to create infinite Tiers by json.
1.0.3 Removed the need of a piece of armor to craft tiered items.
dded as requirement
1.0.0 Initial upload