Advanced traffic lights for Cities: Skylines IIWarning
Cities saved in v0.2.18 or later will not load in v0.2.9 or earlier versions of this mod.
Please back up your saves before upgrading.
Known Issues
Lane Direction Tool
Does not support merge lanes
Does not support roundabouts
When an entire direction is banned, some traffic may still proceed through the banned direction
Updated to be compatible with version 1.1.0f1
Translation updates (Credits: TwotoolusFLY_LSh.st, karmel68, Alex Motor, starrysum, Mark)
- Updated to be compatible with version 1.0.19f1
0.2.16, 0.2.17
Fixed issue #75: Vehicles may behave irrationally when going straight is banned at three-way junctions (Credit: HarryBotter2333)
- Please turn traffic lights off and on at the affected junctions to apply the fix
Portuguese (Brazil) translation update (Credit: lucianoedipo)
- Fixed issue #72: The game crashes when replacing roads (Credit: GIS-PuppetMaster)
- Vehicles turning on red will no longer extend the current traffic light phase
Pedestrian Traffic Lights
The "Allow Turning on Red" option will no longer prevent pedestrian traffic lights from turning green
Fixed issue #54: Pedestrian traffic lights remain green when vehicles turn right (in LHT) or left (in RHT) (Credit: adalinesimonian)
Lane Direction Tool
- Fixed issue #66: A lane alignment issue in RHT (Credit: Stripedog)
Added Spanish translation (Credit: Fabio Rodriguez)
Changed save format
Cities saved in this or newer versions will not load in v0.2.9 or earlier versions of this mod
Please back up your saves before upgrading
Added shortcut Ctrl-S to save settings (Idea: Biffa)
Vehicles will now give way when turning on red
- Please turn existing traffic lights off and on for this to take effect
New options: "Give Way to Oncoming Vehicles" and "Pedestrian Phase Duration"
- Refer to the guide for details
Improved update handling (Credit: PickledDragon)
Updated translations (See the Readme for credits)
Fixed an issue where opening the main panel with a two-lane road resulted in an error
Slightly smarter default lane configuration
Improved lane alignment on curves (Credit: beVistum)
Draggable main panel (Idea: dj69)
Updated translations (see the Readme for credits)
- Removed unnecessary system updates
Updated for compatibility with version 1.0.18f1
Updated translations (Credits: DevelopmentAnything, BuiIdTheBuilder, and Edou24)
- Visual improvements to Lane Direction Tool (Ideas from SwiftCobra and mad)
Hovering over junctions no longer shows the default lane arrows
Fixed an issue where widening the road's median would reset lane settings
New Lane Direction Tool UI (Idea inspired by Karnor)
Fixed an issue preventing users from setting lane directions at junctions with parallel roads (Credit: beVistum, Bruceyboy24804)
Updated to be compatible with version 1.0.15f1