Recovers lost footage & copies it onto a new camera, if your crew died or left their camera underground. Includes configurable rewards to incentivize successful camera return!##v1.3.0
- Include MMHOOK_Assembly-CSharp.dll in project files, so package dependency on Hamunii-AutoHookGenPatcher-1.0.4 can be removed (in preparation to upload to Steam workshop)
- Pull out logic for the final day into its own tiny mod that is a new dependency: alexandria-p.AlwaysPlayFinalDay
- Fixed breaking changes introduced by ContentWarningPlugin & BepInEx.BaseUnityPlugin
- Add DontDestroyOnLoad to handle above point (simple explanation)
- Use the new vanilla CW Settings handler instead of a third-party library (previously ContentSettings 1.2.2)
- Add an option to allow crew to view their footage on the final day if they lost their camera underground, even if they aren't going to meet quota
- Initial release
- Includes recovering lost footage & spawning a new camera on the surface
- Rewards for safe camera return are configurable by the lobby host in Game settings