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A dependency mod containing ammo types and optic attachments from Helldivers 2.

60+ firearms, 5 melee weapons, and 30+ attachments from Pixel Gun 3D ported to H3VR!

Featuring three Nokota rifles: the Copperhead assault rifle, Diamondback wall-penetrating charge rifle, and the smart Sidewinder carbine.

Johnny Silverhand's custom built Malorian 3516, with integrated flamethrower, flashlight and trigger laser. Includes 4 ammo types (AP, HE, Incendiary & Cryo) and is spinnable. Immortality awaits, Samurai.

Like the KSG or UTS-15 but way cooler, the SG-8 Punisher pump-action shotgun from Helldivers 2 holds 16 rounds of 10 gauge ammunition in its twin tube mags.

The SEAF's answer to large groups of soft targets, the GL-21 Grenade Launcher from Helldivers 2 offers 10 rounds of 41x45mm belt-fed goodness. Comes with its own reflex sight!