Adds 11 new exotic .357 bulletsexotic
adds 11 new exotic real and new factory minted munitions
the descriptions are down below as follows
ABC - medium-highish penetration round that is slightly more powerful than FMJ
Arcane - A faster FMJ bullet
Geco (steel penetrator) - an API bullet
Gullford Tubular - A light AP round (actually accurate this time)
KTW - acts close to JHP but more damage
Omniprotector - A sabot round that after 5m, splits into an AP and a sabot projectile.
Penetrator - a high armor piercing round
RIP - a flesh damage bullet
Flextip - Like arcane, but red and a bit faster
Flechette - A flechette round that fires 4 AP flechettes
Screw - a driver head shoved into a bullet, small and fast.
very tiny clipping on the Geco rounds