Adds 12 new exotic .45 bulletsexotic
UPDATE - new makeover and more boolet
Changed some existing bullets so they now function as intended.
adds 12 new exotic real and not real ammunition
the descriptions are down below as follows
Shotshell - a more powerful ratshot that fires 8 pellets
Flash - a tiny flashbang round
Turbograbber - a spiky JHP round that can knock down enemies
SCMITR - a medium AP round, consisting of a singular large dart
Gullford Tubular - A light AP round that goes through light armor with no overpenetration
Penetrator - a high armor piercing round, the name says it itself
SIB - like FMJ but slightly faster and lighter
RIP - a flesh damage bullet
Blossom - A flesh damage round that shortly after firing splits into 8 "petals" in a tight spread
Spark Plug (updated) - A low power flesh damage round that throws damaging sparks in random directions upon impact
TTI - A speedy FMJ slug
Screw - A tiny screw head projectile that is also fast
Andrew_FTW for RIP (tip) model
very tiny clipping on some magazines for RIP rounds